Distribution Services, Attributes and Performance and Measurement Requirements Subteam 1a Competitive Solicitations Framework Working Group Meeting Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Proceeding Mark Esguerra and Diana Genasci July 28, 2016 Mark Esguerra
Definitions of Basic Distribution Services Distribution Capacity Load modifying or supply services that DERs provide via dispatch of power output (MW) or reduction in load that is capable of reliably and consistently reducing net loading on desired distribution infrastructure. Voltage Support (Voltage control through real and/or reactive power) Improved steady-state voltage to avoid voltage related investment. Dynamic voltage management to keep secondary and primary voltage within Rule 2 limits. Reliability (Back-Tie) Load modifying or supply service capable of improving local distribution reliability and/or resiliency. Service provides fast reconnection and availability of excess reserves to reduce demand when restoring customers during abnormal configurations. Resiliency (Microgrid) Load modifying or supply service capable of improving local distribution reliability and/or resiliency. Service provides fast reconnection and availability of excess reserves to reduce demand when restoring customers during abnormal configurations. Service also provides power to islanded end use customers when central power is not supplied and reduce duration of outages.
Distribution Service Attributes Locational Specificity of Distribution Services Level or Magnitude of Required DER Response Timing and Duration of DER Response DER Availability and Assurances
Performance Requirements System Availability Data Availability Response Time Quality of Response
Integrated Distribution Planning Framework Assumptions, Scenarios & Scope Distribution Planning Assessment Distribution Grid Needs Evaluate Options Sourcing Distribution Resources Plan (DRP) Integrated Distributed Energy Resources (IDER) 1 2 3 4 5 Develop forecasts, assumptions and planning scenarios. Demand forecasts DER forecasts DER Growth Scenarios Distribution Grid Studies Distribution Capacity Voltage Support Requirements Protection Safety and Reliability Distribution Grid Needs Load Serving Capacity DER Hosting Capacity DER Aggregator Requirements Coordination with Transmission Planning Prioritize Grid Needs Investment framework/technical feasibility Implement “Wires” alternatives for locations deemed infeasible for DERs Sourcing Process to satisfy needs identified in DRP Implement “Wires” Solution
Distribution Grid Needs Hypothetical examples of Distribution Service Attributes 3 Assumptions, Scenarios & Scope Distribution Planning Assessment Distribution Grid Needs Evaluate Options Distribution Portfolio 1 2 3 4 5
Distribution Capacity: Substation Transformer Overload Distribution Grid Need An 11.88 MW rated substation transformer is forecasted to overload in the summer months. Substation transformer capacity deficiency is determined to be: 1.4 MW by 2019 2.6 MW by 2020 3.6 MW by 2021 Traditional “wires” solution is to replace existing or install an additional transformer, after exhausting available capacity through field switching onto adjacent distribution feeders.
Distribution Capacity: Substation Transformer Overload Potential DER Solution for Overload Need: Attributes of DER performance must match overload issue attributes to provide relief of capacity constraint Other attributes of DERs must address grid issues stemming from DERs providing relief of capacity constraint (e.g. ramp rate) DER Attributes to Procure YEAR 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Distribution Capacity Need (MW) - 1.4 2.6 3.6 Distribution Capacity Need (MVAr) Months when needed Aug-Sept July-Sept Days when needed Mon-Fr Time when needed 16:00-19:00 15:00-20:00 14:30-20:30 Duration (hours/day) 3 5 6 Frequency of Need (days/month) 1
Voltage Support Services: Steady State Under Voltage Forecast Under Voltage Issue: A pump station customer is planning to convert two pumps from diesel to electric by 2020 The pumps will add an extra 1 MW to peak load condition. Customer is located close to the end of a radial feeder Projected under voltage conditions near the end of the feeder is found to occur around forecasted peak loading times Rule 2 Limit M Rule 2 Limit
Voltage Support Services: Steady State Under Voltage Potential DER Solution for Overload Need: Attributes of DERs should match under voltage issue attributes to stay within Rule 2 voltage thresholds (±5% of nominal voltage) Attributes of under voltage issue Needed voltage changes (ΔV) to stay within Rule 2 limits Locations where under voltage occur Times and duration when under voltages occur Other attributes of DERs must address grid issues stemming from DERs providing voltage support (e.g. ramp rate) DER Attributes to Procure YEAR 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Distribution Capacity Need (kW) - 500 550 Distribution Capacity Need (kVAR) 50 at lagging PF 60 at lagging PF Duration (hours/day) 3 Frequency of need (days/month) 8 Time Needed 17:00-20:00 Days Needed Mon-Fr Months Needed June-July May-July Electrical Proximity from Voltage Issue 0.5 Circuit Miles of SPID 77943XXXXX Ramp Rate (kW/min) N/A
Voltage Support Services: Steady State Under Voltage Location Matters: G M Almost Identical Voltage Profile when Compared to no DER Scenario Rule 2 Limit G M Voltage is Back within Rule 2 Limits Rule 2 Limit