UNESCO Bangkok Synthesis Workshop on School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific KEY FINDINGS OF S-T-W TRANSITION INFORMATION SURVEY IN MONGOLIA Mr. Javzan Sukhbaatar (PhD) The Institute of Finance & Economics August 23, 2011 Bangkok
Statistical approaches to skills needs monitoring Major challenges related to S-T-W information bases NSO & MSWL collect labor force and unemployment statistics, MECS collects data on TVET graduates, & LECO collects data on labor market performance. All this information collected through different organizations does really show complete picture of S-T-W transition. Demand side There is no system of tracking skill needs in different industry sectors. Employers announce job vacancies, which seldom reflect set of skills they need. This information is not accumulated and analyzed. As a result a national, unified system of skills needs monitoring is absent.
Statistical approaches to skills needs monitoring Policy measures introduced to improve S-T-W information infrastructure In recent years, there was no policy measure introduced to improve S-T-W transition. The main reason is the reform of TVET sector is just starting & many new policy measures yet to be initiated. Assessment of existing skills started with MCA “Gobi region technical and vocational skills, labor & training survey” (2010) Recently, no study of skills needs in different industry sectors was conducted The survey has identified no best practice in S-T-W information bases policy issues
Statistical approaches to detect labor market performance Major challenges related to S-T-W information bases NSO maintains and updates data on labor force and unemployment statistics regularly (quarterly). Data on TVET & HE graduates reported annually. TVET schools usually maintain a database of their graduates Both AVET and DSWL are responsible for labor market studies LMIS is just under the development Law on TVET (2009) provides sufficient regulatory framework to ensure better coordination of labor market demand and supply. However, the problem now is the implementation of the law. Data collected through labor market studies are not used for policy actions
Statistical approaches to detect labor market performance Policy measures introduced to improve S-T-W information infrastructure The recommendations drawn from different studies have not been fully considered in policy development Currently, amendments to law on TVET and law on employment promotion are underway. Tracer study guideline has been developed. AVET needs to take lead on this effort. “Oyu tolgoi” LLC initiative for training of unemployed people for mining related skills needs to be encouraged.
Qualitative approaches to monitor skills needs and the transition process Labor market studies sought to gather both quantitative and qualitative data on labor market demand. But collected qualitative data on employer requirements are not an analyzed for the development of skill standards As part of MCA TVET project competency-based curriculum development in 28 trades is underway. Within this work industry expert workers are invited to provide qualitative characteristics/indicators of specific skills required in industry. NVQF is being developed. This will facilitate determination of required skills levels and certification and recognition of qualifications that meet those skills requirements.
Recommendations for the government of Mongolia in regards to improving S-T-W transition information bases The amendments to Laws on TVET and Employment Promotion should include clauses that oblige employers to provide required skills needs information. Develop appropriate forms for S-T-W transition and include them in the EMIS of MECS Develop and implement a regulation that would make NCVET and its industrial sectoral councils responsible for determining and updating skills standards and translating those skill requirements into educational standards, CB curriculum and modular training programs. Complete the work for developing NVQF and make NVQF operational.
Recommendations for the government of Mongolia in regards to improving S-T-W transition information bases Adopt internationally recognized skills standards in trades such as welding, electrician, metal processing, heating & cooling, plumbing, and heavy machinery as national skills standards. Use recently adopted levy system as a way of tracking changes in industry skills requirements AVET should adopt a guideline for TVET schools for conducting tracer study and detecting the gaps in skills between industry and TVET graduates The above mentioned amendments should also include provisions for better utilization of the results of labor market and skills needs studies for the policy development. Such provisions should make clear the responsibilities of NCVET, AVET, DSWL, & LECO with regards to S-T-W transition information system.