Lesson Objectives Aims You should be able to: Discuss legislation relevant to computer science: Data Protection Act – 1998 Computer Misuse Act – 1990 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act – 1988 Freedom of Information Act 2000 Creative Commons Licenses
For each law you need to know: The key principles What they mean in reality Areas the law applies to
Task In the shared are you will find a file called “laws and legislation” This outlines the principles of each law that you need to learn Your task is to fill in the table on the next slide AFTER you have read this document, printed it and stuck it in your book.
Examples of things this would apply to Potential sentence/fine Act Principles Examples of things this would apply to Potential sentence/fine Data protection act Computer Misuse Act Copyright, designs and patents act Freedom of information act
CC License The Creative Commons license has been bunged on the spec… You’ll know about this from the lesson on Open Source Software But just in case, find out what it is now and add it to your notes.