CERF Contributions to the Ebola Response in Sierra Leone CERF Advisory Group Meeting Geneva, 28 May 2015
Allocations Agency Project title Funds WHO Response to Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Sierra Leone (seven isolation units and build capacity of health workers) US$ 103,608 UNICEF Response to Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Sierra Leone (raise awareness and build knowledge/printed materials & radio) US$ 131,248 WFP Special Operation (200760 & 200773)) Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in response to the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in West Africa US$ 1,263,228 Food support to populations affected by the Ebola Outbreak US$ 2,999,515 (general food ration of 3,125 mt.) US$ 2,999,515 US$ 4,497,599
Fast delivery of time-sensitive assistance CERF funds allowed UNICEF to disseminate messages about symptoms, transmission and prevention of Ebola WHO trained medical health care workers on adequate case management Rumours and lack of information prevented an effective containment of Ebola as it rapidly spread through the country
Catalyst to mobilize additional resource CERF funds kickstarted UNHAS operations in West Africa. The value-added encouraged donors to expand the operations to reach people in need beyond the capitals As more humanitarian workers were ready to deploy in support of the Ebola response, commercial flights cancelled routes
Improved coordination CERF funds encouraged joint and aligned planning and implementation of projects UNICEF & WHO WFP & all humanitarian actors WFP & WHO UNFAPs were working closely with line ministries and the Ebola Operations Centre (later replaced by the National Ebola Response Centre)
Thank you