Problems after WW1
Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security The peace settlement at the end of WW1 created border disputes among new nations and left Germans determined to change the terms of the Treaty of Versailles People hoped the League of Nations would solve new conflicts, but it could not maintain peace.
Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security France demanded that the Treaty of Versailles be followed exactly, but Germans could no longer pay back debt. They had no more money, so Germany printed more, which lead to a large inflation of all goods.(4 trillion marks = 1 U.S. dollar) Germany began to recover. Joined League of Nations All European nations kept large military forces ready to go.
The Great Depression Two Causes to the Great Depression Downturn of economies during the late 1920’s Collapse of U.S. stock market in 1929, American Banks were investing in European nations, so when they lost money, Europe’s economy went downhill as well. The Great Depression was the worst depression ever for both the U.S. and Europe, thousands of homeless and unemployed people.
The Great Depression Governments could not do anything to stop the depression. (tried lower wages, raise tariffs of goods, strong governments that were very involved, nothing worked) Communism became popular in many places, Democracy was challenged everywhere.
Germany in the Depression A Democratic Republic (Weimar Republic) was created after WW1. They faced serious economic problems to begin with and inflation caused people to lose all their money and savings. Millions were unemployed And Germany was looking to anybody or any government that would stop the depression.
France in the Depression Became the strongest country after WW1, but when depression hit in 1932, they went through several different governments. (democracy, communists, socialist, radicals) The Popular Front government began programs that brought collective bargaining, a minimum wage, and 40 hour work week.
Britain in the Depression Britain suffered early in Depression, better than most in the 1930’s. Changed government leaders from the Labour Party to Conservatives. John Maynard Keynes said the British Government should put people to work and that would make people to start buying goods again, which would fuel the need for jobs. But Britain ignored his ideas
America in the Depression The depression hit America the worst. 15 million people were out of work Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President in 1932 Instituted the New Deal, which would make the government create jobs by funding programs of public works. Made the Social Security Act, which created a system for old age pensions. The New Deal probably stopped a social revolution, but it did not solve the problems of the Depression, only WW2 did that.
The Rise of Dictators By 1939 all of Europe, except for France and Britain, had adopted some form of dictatorial or totalitarian government. Totalitarians governments aimed to control all aspects of their citizens‘ lives. They wanted to control the hearts and minds of everyone and used mass propaganda and modern communication to achieve their goals.
The Rise of Dictators There were no individual freedoms or limits on the governments Individuals were considered subservient to the collective will of the masses, which was controlled by the government All citizens were demanded to support any of the countries goals
Benito Mussolini-Italy
Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini established the first European Fascist government in the early 1920’s in Italy. Fascism glorifies the state above the individual and is a strong central government with a single dictator in charge. Mussolini gained support because of an economic depression after WW1 and fear that communism would take over in Italy. Mussolini formed armed groups of Fascist, the Blackshirts, which attacked anyone against the Fascist dictator.
Fascism in Italy Mussolini gained enough support by 1922 that the Italian King named him Prime Minister and from there he started his dictatorship. By 1926 Mussolini outlawed all opposition and gave the police authority to arrest anybody. He controlled all of the media outlets (for propaganda) and created fascist youth groups. Tried to form a new Italian nation of fit, disciplined, and war loving people, while maintaining the important place of women and family in society.
The New Soviet Union After WW1, Russia was on the verge of complete collapse because of economic problems and a famine. In 1922 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created, this saved the country from economic ruin. In 1924 Lenin died and a struggle for power ensued, Joseph Stalin was able to take complete control of the Communist Party.
Lenin U.S.S.R Stalin
The New Soviet Union Stalin made several radical changes during his tenure. Five year Plans set economic goals in five year periods which emphasized industrialization and production of capital goods. The plans gave terrible housing for the workers next to their factories and pay declined. (Stalin used Propaganda to raise morale)
The New Soviet Union Stalin’s government took over ownership of private farms and had peasant work them , called collectivism. Peasant hated this so they collected food and killed livestock. Stalin Increased the number of farms the government took over. Millions died because of starvation, being sent to labor camps in Siberia, and by opposing Stalin you were executed.
Other European Dictators All of the Eastern European countries were taken over by a dictator except Czecksolovakia. Western European Countries faired better. Francisco Franco took over Spain used a military force to take over. (Supported by the Soviet Union, Germany, and Italy.)
Adolf Hitler- Germany
Hitler and His Views Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, failed high school, was rejected by a Fine Arts School. Formed his ideas in Vienna, Racism against Jewish people, which was at the core of any and all of his “ideas” of ruling. He was an extreme nationalist and used propaganda and terror to spread his rule.
Hitler and His Views He served on the western front for Germany in WW1 for 4 years, entered politics upon his return in 1919 and was in charge of the extreme right wing nationalist party the Nazi’s by 1921. (National Socialist German Workers Party) In 1923 Hitler staged an uprising in Munich, the Beer Hall Putsch, which was quickly put down, and Hitler went to prison.
Hitler and His Views While in prison he wrote the book, Mein Kampf, in which he outlined his basic idea and plans. His ideas combined German nationalism, anti-Semitism, and anticommunism. He said a stronger nation should expand and superior leaders should rule over the masses.
Rise of Nazism .