Let’s Recap! True or False? Caffeine is a stimulant You can receive up to two years in prison for possession of a Class C drug. Alcohol is a depressant A black coffee will help to sober you up if you have drank too much. It takes one hour to process one unit of alcohol. 90% of people aged 11-15 have not taken drugs in the last year. Cannabis is a class C drug. To recap their learning so far this unit, students need to complete the 7 true or false questions on the PPT.
Let’s Recap! True or False? Caffeine is a stimulant - TRUE You can receive up to two years in prison for possession of a Class C drug. - TRUE Alcohol is a depressant - TRUE A black coffee will help to sober you up if you have drank too much. - FALSE It takes one hour to process one unit of alcohol. - TRUE 90% of people aged 11-15 have not taken drugs in the last year. - TRUE Cannabis is a class C drug. – FALSE (CLASS B DRUG)
Effects of Drugs Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs. I can explore the effects of drugs on individuals. I can explore the effects of drugs on others. I can review my learning from this unit.
Effects of drugs on individuals Watch the clips of two teenagers speaking about how drugs effected them. As you are watching answer the following questions: Why did they start taking drugs? What effect did it have on their mind/body? What effect did it have on their future life chances? Point to Note: The second clip still refers to the drug she took as a ‘legal high’. This is no longer the case as so called ‘legal highs’ became illegal in 2016. They are now referred to as Psychoactive Substances. To start students thinking about the effects of drugs, explain they are going to watch two clips on how drugs have effected two individuals. One clip centres around cannabis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuMu79lmmik and the other on psychoactive substances https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoAWT2uvabY . Make sure you make it clear to students that the second clip still refers to the drug she took as a ‘legal high’. This is no longer the case as so called ‘legal highs’ became illegal in 2016. They are now referred to as Psychoactive Substances. As students are watching the two clips they need to answer the following questions in their books: Why did they start taking drugs? What effect did it have on their mind/body? What effect did it have on their future life chances? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuMu79lmmik – Cannabis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoAWT2uvabY – ‘Legal’ Highs / Psychoactive Substances
Effects of Drugs Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs. I can explore the effects of drugs on individuals. I can explore the effects of drugs on others. I can review my learning from this unit.
Effects of drugs on others How far do you agree or disagree with this statement: ‘It is up to me whether I take drugs. It is my body so I can decide what I do with it. I’m not harming anyone but myself.’ 1 2 3 4 5 To get students thinking about the effects of drugs on others ask them how far they agree with the following statement on a scale of 1-5: ‘It is up to me whether I take drugs. It is my body so I can decide what I do with it. I’m not harming anyone but myself.’ Take feedback here. Disagree Agree
Effects of drugs on others Divide a page in your book into 6 sections. In each section write down what each picture/headline is showing about the effects drugs can have on others. Ask students to divide a page in their book into 6 sections. In each section they need to writ down what each picture or headline is showing about the effects drugs can have on others. Then go through them as a class taking feedback. Image 1 shows an NHS hospital – cost to the NHS treating drug addictions and health effects from drugs. Image 2 shows passive smoking Image 3 shows a court of law – cost to the legal system dealing with drug offences Image 4 shows a headline of the impact drug taking can have on children Image 5 shows a headline about drug related criminal offences Image 6 shows a headline about a families grief over losing their daughter who took a ‘legal high’.
Effects of drugs on others Have your thoughts changed at all? ‘It is up to me whether I take drugs. It is my body so I can decide what I do with it. I’m not harming anyone but myself.’ 1 2 3 4 5 Having explored the images ask students to think back to their thought on the statement ‘It is up to me whether I take drugs. It is my body so I can decide what I do with it. I’m not harming anyone but myself.’ Ask if anyone’s thoughts have changed. Disagree Agree Write a short reflection in your books explaining why you agree/disagree with this statement.
Effects of Drugs Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs. I can explore the effects of drugs on individuals. I can explore the effects of drugs on others. I can review my learning from this unit.
What have you learnt this unit? Look back at your drawing from the beginning of the unit which demonstrate your previous understanding of drugs and alcohol. Go back to your drawing and in a different colour pen add to it everything you have learnt. Your headings were: Someone who uses drugs The drugs they use Why they took/take drugs The effects of taking drugs Where they get the drugs from After Before For the final part of this unit students are going to reflect on what they have learnt. They need to go back to the drawing they created at the beginning showing their understanding of drugs. They now need to add to their drawing in a different colour pen all of their learning from the unit. They can still use the same headings: Someone who uses drugs The drugs they use Why they took/take drugs The effects of taking drugs Where they get the drugs from There is an example of a before and after drawing on the PPT.
What have you learnt this unit? Complete the self-assessment sheet on the knowledge and skills you have learnt from the Drugs and Alcohol unit. Circle whether you are mainly Working Towards, Working At or Working Beyond. Finally, students need to read through the ‘I can’ statements n their Drugs and Alcohol Self-Assessment sheet. They need to decide whether overall they think they are Working Towards, Working At or Working Beyond. This needs to be recorded onto SIMs Marksheet.
Effects of Drugs Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs. I can explore the effects of drugs on individuals. I can explore the effects of drugs on others. I can review my learning from this unit.