What’s UP with County Roads? WSACE Conference June 21, 2017 Leavenworth, WA Dick Doane, Research Investigator WA Traffic Safety Commission
Some Background In 2015, County roads comprised nearly HALF (48.9%) of all Centerline Miles in Washington… But they accounted for only 16.3% of statewide VMT. By contrast, State highways made up only 8.8% of Centerline Miles but saw 55.9% of statewide VMT.
More Background: Crashes Between 2005 and 2012, fatal and serious- injury crashes in WA dropped by 31% and 21%, respectively. However, between 2013 and 2016, fatal and serious-injury crashes rose by 26% and 18%, respectively. Question: Why?
A Look at the Data: Fatal Crashes
Another Look: Serious Injury Crashes
Fatal Crash Changes By Road Class
Serious-injury Crash Changes By Road Class
Fatal Crashes By Road Class 2011-13 vs 2014-16
Road Class in Fatal Crashes 2011-2013 vs. 2014-2016
Fatal Crash Factors
Impaired Driving-involved
Alcohol Impaired Driver-involved
Drug Positive Driver-involved
Cannabis Positive Driver-involved
Lane Departure-involved
Speeding Driver-involved
16-25 Year-old Driver-involved
Distracted Driver-involved
Unlicensed Driver-involved
Unrestrained PV Occupant Fatality-involved
Serious-injury Crash Factors
Impaired Driver-involved
Alcohol Impaired Driver-involved
Drug Impaired Driver-involved
Speeding Driver-involved
Lane Departure-involved
Distracted Driver-involved
16-25 Year-old Driver-involved
So… What drove these changes? Lower Enforcement Driver Behaviors Economics Demographics
Dick Doane, WTSC Research Investigator ddoane@wtsc.wa.gov 360.725.9894 Thank You! Dick Doane, WTSC Research Investigator ddoane@wtsc.wa.gov 360.725.9894