General description. Capital Population Ethnic groups Families Housing Milan
Rome is the capital of Italy and it is in Lazio. There are 2,777,979 abitants. The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula; it is also the country's largest and most populated comune.
Population. The abitants in Italy is 60,7 million. It's population density, is higher than that of most Western European countries. There are many old people and the birth rate is low.
Ethnic groups. Italy used to be a country of mass emigration from the late 19th century until the 1970s. Romanian (1,98%) Albanian (0,77%) Chinese (0,28%) Ukrainian (0,31%) Asian (0,83%)
Families. The italian family is composed of parents and one or two children. In Italy the children usually live with their parents until thirty-five years. In the past things were different, because the families were more big.
There are 31,4 million of houses in Italy. Housing. There are 31,4 million of houses in Italy. Between 60-65% of the housing stock dates from the period between the 50s and 80s.
The monument is very beautiful and the guys use it as a meeting point. Milan. We think that Milan is the most beautiful city in Italy, because it is always moving and not get bored. The monument is very beautiful and the guys use it as a meeting point.