Can you name them all?
Starter Activities Review section Assess current memory recall of the time line and historical thinkers Identify areas that need re learning, re teaching, or different teachings. Prepare for learning about Ideologies that rejected Liberalism.
Create the timeline of events that we have studied in class so far Create the timeline of events that we have studied in class so far. Explain each one in the space provided. 30-1
Create the timeline of events that we have studied in class so far Create the timeline of events that we have studied in class so far. Explain each one in the space provided. 30-2 Help section: Industrial Revolution, Classical Liberalism Establishes itself. Renaissance, Enlightenment, Ideologies develop in response to Classical Liberalism. Pre-Renaissance. Socialism, Marxism, Welfare Capitalism,
2.9 (a) Communism in Soviet Union 2.9 (b) Fascism in Nazi Germany. Learning Objective 2.9 Evaluate ideological systems that rejected principles of liberalism (communism in the Soviet Union, Fascism in Nazi Germany.) 2.9 (a) Communism in Soviet Union 2.9 (b) Fascism in Nazi Germany.
2.9 (a) Communism in Soviet Union Specific Learning objectives Describe the conditions in Russia that led to needed change. Describe how the communist regime was set up and by who. Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Stalin. 5 year plan. Establishment of Dictatorship Evaluate the relative success and failure of the new system
Russian Geography
Viktor Vasetnov. Moving House (1876)
Rejecting Liberalism?
Communism in the Former USSR Ideology begun by Karl Marx All people should share everything equally and should have an equal say in gov’t Violence is the only way to make substantial change
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Led the Bolshevik revolution which occurred in October of 1917. They overthrew the Tsar of Russia Nicholas II “Peace, land and bread.” Communism/Socialism took over the country. Land became the property of the state. Factories, banks, and railroads were nationalized. The country was not ready for absolute communism/ War communism/ Nationalization of production
The country was not ready for absolute communism/ War communism/ Things don’t go smoothly. Russian civil war raged between supporters of communism and the loyalists. 1921- Lenin recognized that changes needed to occur. New Economic Plan (NEP) was a temporary measure that allowed elements of private enterprise. Small industries were allowed to operate independently. They paid taxes but were allowed to keep the profits. The Economy recovered. Lenin dies in 1924 The country was not ready for absolute communism/ War communism/ Nationalization of production
Joseph Stalin Became the party leader following Lenin’s death. Stalin collectivized agricultural and cracked down on individual ownership of businesses. Stalin saw agriculture as a way to fund the industrial growth of the country. State farms were set up along with Collective farms. Profits were shared with either the collective or kept by the state. He modified Lenin’s NEP and created 5 year plans that the state planning committee ( the Gosplan) were responsible for running. This is known as a Command Economy. p184
Holodomor-Murder by hunger Farmers who were not happy with the distribution of land, they destroyed crops and animals in protest. Stalin stood firm and used this as a way to squash any thoughts of Ukrainian nationalism. More than 7 million people died in this Genocide.
Holodomor-Geographical representation
How was this a rejection of Liberalism?
Gulags It wasn’t just Hitler and Germany that created concentration camps! When people did not agree they were sent away. The great purge.
Controlling Society: Propaganda and Police
Learning from Soviet Union What were the key elements of how the Soviet Union communist system was run and maintained?
Was Saddam, Stalin in disguise?
Were there any positives? Negative
The Soviets used many elements of dictatorships… Indoctrination – education focused on communist values and ideals 2. Propaganda – only one new agency was allowed -Controlled by the party -Newspaper controlled and no foreign news was allowed to be reported -Stalin was glorified by the media
3. Intimidation & Terror – a secret police force was set up to maintain rule through fear 4. Judicial Control – all judges were party members 5. Scapegoating – Soviet Jews and Ukrainians were the targets and millions were murdered. Both were intentionally starved during the famine so their lands would be easier to collectivize 6. Loss of Freedoms and Rights – no freedom of speech, media, or religion Also, no tolerance for minorities. Russian was the only acceptable language
Advantages 1. Speed of gov’t – much faster without debates 2. Ability to get things done – without opposition, the gov’t can implement it plans without getting ‘bogged down’ in parliament. 3. A good leader = good decisions! A nation does very well if the leader is capable, intelligent, and thoughtful
More Advantages 5. Increased national unity – in theory people are more willing to work together 6. Speed of the judiciary – legal cases are settled faster, w/o appeals, thus saving money
Disadvantages 1. Repression of individual rights and freedoms 2. Advocated use of violence to resolve crises 3. No checks or balances on power – prevents those in authority from being accountable to the people.
More Disadvantages 4. Poor leader = bad decisions! If a leader is not capable, or is insane, the nation can be greatly harmed. Even capable leaders eventually die! 5. Higher possibility of wars (both civil and international) 6. No political choice – democracy is not an option! 7. Indoctrination of youth – education prevents freedom of thought. Children are not given the opportunity to experience other beliefs.
Some more Disadvantages 8. Increased use of propaganda – citizens are only informed of what the gov’t wants them to know. 9. Tyranny of the minority – those in power prohibit the rights/freedoms of the majority (e.g. South African apartheid) 10. Limited possibility for change – power is concentrated in the hands of the few. Thus a power struggle ensues when the leader dies (no clear succession plans) In general, dictatorships depend on the ability and charisma of the leader.
http://video. google. ca/videoplay