Parents and Supporters Orientation 2016
Welcome! We are glad you’re here tonight! You are an important part of your student’s success..
UFV Alert Dave Pinton. Director of Communications
What is it? UFV Alert is the system that delivers important information to students’ smartphones, email addresses, or even your home phone in an emergency. (click) Once a student has signed up they will receive important information and instructions during an emergency. For example, in the case of severe weather that causes a power outage, and if UFV by necessity has to close, we will send messages through the UFV Alert system. It is one of many channels we activate, but it is one of the most effective in reaching students. You can register multiple emails and phone numbers and choose to receive messages text, voice, or email. If you want to receive these messages, you must sign up. You can change your contact information or unsubscribe at any time.
UFV Alert The key - If you want your student to receive these messages, they must sign up. Go to the url at the bottom of this slide – or google UFV Urgent news – that will lead you to the registration page. You can change your contact information or unsubscribe at any time. No spam. Private. You will have to respond to a text message when you sign up confirming you are signing up.
Important Information UFV Alert is not just for crisis situations. We will not activate it often but we will activate it in urgent scenarios – disasters, power outages, and other situations where students need to have key information to make decisions. That includes Weather and snowfall closures. Recently we have activated for two power outages, and a gas leak plus a drill for ShakeOut BC the province wide Earthquake drill. this is the last 5 weeks. in all cases no injuries or damage to property. Prior to this once in a year. You can sign up too. Once again… (click)
UFV Alert The key - If you want your student to receive these messages, they must sign up. Go to the url at the bottom of this slide – or google UFV Urgent NEWs – that will lead you to the registration page. You can change your contact information or unsubscribe at any time.
Why we are here… What are you hoping to achieve tonight? What are you hoping to hear about? What are your hopes for your student?
Glossary… Specific Language and Terms UFV Website: UFV A-Z & Search Bar Academic Calendar
Where to go for help? General Services Listing Student Services (Department) When in doubt: 604-504-7441 or
Things to Know Generally, offices are open 8:30am-4:30pm, M-F Most information is located online Most service providers can be reached by phone or email Engagement = Success
Things to Know For each 2 hour class your student attends, the faculty member will assign approximately 2-4 hours of reading and homework Working: 20 hours is the magic number Sleeping, eating, socializing Group work and presentations will happen
Academic Information UFV Academic Calendar Semester Dates Academic Advising
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act FOIPPA What it is: Law that protects the privacy and information of your student. This means we can only release private information to the person that information is about.* Your student is an adult. We respect their privacy.
TO DO: Make a Registration Plan Register for classes Log into their MyUFV account/email Log into their MyCampusLife (Co-Curricular Record)
What would you like to know?