Who Wants to be an Electronics Millionaire?
Name this Gate Continue NAND NOR NOT EXNOR
Complete the truth table for a NAND gate Continue 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Q 1 Continue 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
What is the Boolean expression for this circuit? Continue Q = A . B Q = A . B Q = A + B Q = A + B
Name the circuit that can be used to allow a signal to pass or stop it passing through. Continue TOGGLE WOGGLE ENABLE INABLE
Name the input Labelled with a Minus sign Continue Inverting Output Non-inverting Slew
Calculate the gain of this amplifier Continue 5 8 12 6
Name this circuit Continue SR Flip-Flop D-Type Flip-Flop Astable Toggle Astable
Which circuit can chose which input goes to the output Continue Inputs Output Select Continue Astable Multiplexer Multiplier Enable
Which gate is Equivalent to? Continue AND NOR OR EXOR
Simplify this circuit Q = A . B + C . B Continue B . (A + C)
Name this type of distortion Continue Slew rate Clipping Propagation Impedance
The gain-bandwidth-product of a 741 Op-amp is 1000000. What is the Maximum gain for low fidelity sound ( 40Hz to 4000 Hz) Continue 2500 40 250 25
Name this circuit (rising edge triggered flip-flops) Continue Binary down counter Shift register Binary up counter 4 bit latch
Calculate the output voltage Continue -8V -7V 9V 7V
Congratulations Use any method to simplify this circuit End Game Continue Q = A Q = B Q = 1 Q = 0