The Effects of Biocontrols on Root Knot Nematodes and Rhizobium By Joseph Toole
Need Parasitic Nematodes are responsible for the lose $100 billion annually (Sasser,97)
Root Knot Nematodes RKN is a parasitic nematode The life cycle is 17 to 57 days (Widmer,06)
Life Cycle First Stage Juvenile stage First Stage Juvenile stage
Life Cycle Second Juvenile Stage Second Juvenile Stage
Life Cycle
Damage of RKN
SCN Resistant Soy SCN Resistant Soy is not affected by parasitic nematodes (Tilka,06) In under 3 years RKN mutations can render it useless
Rhizobium Rhizobium is nitrogen fixing bacteria Can supply half of the plants nitrogen needs
Nitrogen Cycle
Heavy Metal Pesticides Copper Sulfate is a popular Heavy Metal Pesticide
Clove Oil Dose-response effects of clove oil from Syzgium aromaticum on the root knot nematode, Meyer, Susan. 2008
Pasteuria Penetrans Population Changes in Heterodera glycines and its Bacterial Parasite Pasteuria naturally infested soil, G. R. Noel, Journal of Nematology
Chitin Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode by Chitinolytic Bacteria with Chitin Substrate. Tian, Honglin. 2000
Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to find the most ecological way to limit RKN populations without hurting the Rhizobium
Hypothesis Alternate- Is that Chitin combined with another biocontrol will do the best at limiting RKN w/o harming the Rhizobium populations Null- Is that all the treatments will be the same in terms of the data collected
Soy+Rhizobium+RKN SCN Resistant Soy+Rhizobium+RKN Heavy Metal Biocontrols Double Biocontrols Pesticide N=400 CuSO4 (30mM) Chitin (.5%) Clove oil (.12%) Pasteuria Penetrans (100,000/cm3) Chitin(.5%)+Pasteuria Penetrans (100,000/cm3) Chitin (.5%)+ Clove oil(.12%) Control Data Measured -Nodule Number -Nitrogen Soil/Plant -Nodule size -Plant Height -RKN count Descriptive Data- mean plus or minus standard deviation Analytical Data- ANOVA/Sheffe post hoc test p<.05
Do-ability RKN is obtainable from Cornell University Cooperative program All the biocontrols are obtainable Procedures have been done before in this lab
Bibliography Becker "Seeking New Controls for Costly Nematodes". Agricultural Research. March 1999. 18 May. 2008. Beremer, Eric. "Nitrogen Benefits From Rhizobia." Micro Biology 14 (1996). Demands of Gene , Individual and Group Selection. Evolutionary Biology 12 (1999): 80-93. Abstract. Chen, S.Y., et al., “Investigation of Fungal Antagonists of Heterodera Glycines in Minnesota”, Journal of Nematology, 31 (4), Abstract, p. 527, (Dec. 1999). 2001 Nematology Research Project List, Senyu Chen. University of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach Center. The Soybean Cyst Nematode, S. Chen, University of Minnesota Extension Service, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences.
Bibliography Meyer, J., The influence of fungal parasites on the population dynamics of Heterodera schachtii on oil radish, Nematologica, XXVIII, Abstract of Papers at the XVIth International Symposium, p. 161, (1982). Dose-Response effects of clove oil from Syzygium aromaticum on the root-knot nematode, Susan, Meyer, Pest Management Science. 64:223-229 Opperman, Charles, “Sequence and Genetic Map of Meloidogyne hapla: A compact nematode genome for plant parasitism” , Center for the Biology of Nematode Parasitism, June 20,2008 Population Changes in Heterodera glycines and its Bacterial Parasite Pasteuria naturally infested soil, G. R. Noel, Journal of Nematology 30(1):81-92.1998. Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode by Chitnolytic Bacteria with Chitin Sbustrate, Honglin Tian, Journal of Nematology 32(4):370-376.2000.