Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have learnt many things from my preliminary task, this includes many things from sounds design to lighting, in the preliminary task I just set the camera up regardless of the light and shot, this is something I changed for when doing the full product, we were more careful about over exposure and making most of the natural light we had been given. I also learnt about how to control sound and what sounds to use where for different effects, for example in my production logo when the shoot had fully sprouted I added a ding to show completion, this was good because it signified the end of the production logo which went away to the side with a swoosh to maintain interest for the slow break of no sound to follow. I learnt all about continuity and how it was key to keeping the audience believing that you have created a separate reality. Without this it can be all over the place and disengage the viewer, this is not something we want as we need to keep them interested all the time and make sure that what they’re seeing could be real life footage despite it not being so.
Costume design is key, this is something that can help the audience differentiate and identify the personality a character has, this means that they can establish and idea on what someone is like, if you dress someone up in farmer outfit this will lead the audience to believe they’re a farmer, however if you do this and they are actually a builder then this can lead to confusion and misunderstandings to the audience, we all judge based on looks and this is something that needs to be done so just from a glance we can make the audience understand the type of person the person may be in the film without having to create a whole personality description.