SELF-TALK SCRIPTS Overview Young players/athletes naturally criticise themselves, this is part of human nature, however the challenge for coaches is to turn the criticism into a positive. Self-talk scripts are a great way of refocusing a young player’s thoughts allowing them to: forgive themselves coach themselves praise themselves remind themselves to work hard The following template can be adapted to suit your club or sport. You can edit the text in the template to suit your sport. You can replace the head icons with your own club logo. You can then print out the template for use.
SELF-TALK SCRIPTS Name: STEP 1: FORGIVE YOURSELF I have the chance to score a goal but I delay my shot and my attempt is blocked by the opposition player. STEP 2: COACH YOURSELF I tell myself to learn from the mistake. I focus on the future and tell myself that the next time I have an opportunity to shoot for goal, I’ll try to take fewer touches. STEP 3: PRAISE YOURSELF I got myself into a great position that allowed me to shoot – keep doing this and the rewards will come. STEP 4: REMIND YOURSELF TO WORK HARD I control what is within my control. I can control how hard I work and how committed I am. Rate this tool! Give us your feedback.