The View from Saturday Review
accustomed ac – cus – tomed (adj.) Kid-friendly definition – usual; customary; used to like a habit Sentence stem – Mom said it would take a few days for the…
decline de – cline (v.) Kid friendly definition – process of losing power, strength, beauty, health, etc.; growing worse Sentence stem – The stock market has been in a steady …
former for – mer (adj.) Kid friendly definition- earlier; past Sentence stem – Can you name the …
presence pres – ence (n.) Kid friendly definition – condition of being present in a place Sentence stem – Logan felt the presence of…
unaccompanied un – ac – com – pa – nied (adj.) Kid friendly definition – alone; not with someone Sentence stem – Kindergartners must learn to walk …
More Words to Know The prefixes ac- and –de are found in many words. The prefix ac- means “toward, to, near.” The prefix de- means “down, off, away.”
defrost To remove the frost or ice from
derailed Go astray; to run off the track
deformed Misshapen; disfigured
deface To damage or injure the surface of
decode To translate or unscramble
devalue To reduce the worth of; discredit
demerit A mark against a person for misconduct or deficiency
Comprehension Skill: Plot and Theme The plot includes: A conflict or problem Rising action or events when a character tries to solve the problem or conflict A climax, when the charcter meets the problem or conflict head-on A resolution, or outcome The theme is the central idea or lesson about life a story conveys.
Look Back and Write What was written at the bottom of every wedding invitation (bottom of page 194)? Explain what it means. Provide evidence to support your answer.