Daily Announcements thursday, April 20, 2017
PASSING PERIODS Students should not pass through the gym during passing periods…for any reason!
Lanyards for sale! Need to print and don’t have your ID? Show your school spirit and keep your student ID safe. Paw print lanyards for sale in the LRC. $2.00 per lanyard.
Want a place to hang out with your friends one morning a week? 7th and 8th graders Want a place to hang out with your friends one morning a week?
Do you want to… enjoy comfy chairs, ping pong, a game of bags, and free snacks? throw a morning breakfast party with your friends or have a birthday celebration for someone? have a place to charge your phone, work on homework, primp for school, or just hang out? If you answered yes to these questions, purchase a ticket to the 7th/8th Grade Lounge at the Tiger Depot!
80% of Success is SHOWING UP! We want to celebrate those of you that do this EVERYDAY! Each month we will recognize students with PERFECT ATTENDANCE for that month! *Students will randomly be drawn for a chance to win some great PRIZES!!!! YOU MISS SCHOOL YOU MISS OUT!!!
GAMERS CLUB Every Monday, from 3:10-4:10 in the LRC. Bring games and have fun with friends and teachers. Please see Mr. Donovan, Mr. Desiderio, or Mr. LeDeaux with questions.
TIGER SAFETY Please remember to respect each other's personal space, and responsibly keep hands, feet, and other to yourselves. This means games such as necking and 5 star are prohibited. We understand friends play these games with one another, but also know these playful actions can escalate and lead to unwanted outcomes, not only for the participants, but for others in the vicinity. These infractions will be taken seriously, and responded to sternly. Please continue being a Tiger that ROARS!
Thompson Tiger Talent Show Auditions Thursday, April 20th Be ready with your best stuff!!!! Sign up in the office after Spring Break!
OHS Dance Team HALFTIME tryouts Audition Clinics 4:30-6:30 PM – OHS Fieldhouse Wednesday, May 10th Thursday, May 11th Friday, May 12th Final Tryout Saturday, May 13th Starting at 9 AM – OHS Dance Room Pick up a tryout packet in the main office. For more information, visit: http://il.8to18.com/oswego/activities/dance-team/g
OHS Dance Team Pre-Audition Meeting Wednesday, May 3rd 6-7 PM OHS Community Room Informational meeting for 8th graders interested in trying out for the Halftime and/or Competitive Dance Team for the 2017-2018 school year. This meeting is not mandatory but it is highly encouraged that dancers and parents attend.
Caps for a cause Caps for a Cause Kids are all done collecting caps and lids. Thanks to everyone who donated!
COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING Any student interested in the Counselor-In-Training Program through the Oswegoland Park District, applications are in the Front Office. Deadline is May 5th
“Be Kind” Shirts for Sale! Want to own your own “Be Kind” t-shirt? Follow this link to order: https://stores.inksoft.com/be_kind Shirts are $12 each *Order by this Friday, April 21st!!!
Be Kind Mondays -starting next week! From now until the end of the year, every Monday is Be Kind Monday. So, look in the announcement slides for ways that we all can show a little more kindness. Remember, it costs us NOTHING to show kindness to others but can actually make a huge impact on someone. You will see staff wearing Be Kind shirts; feel free to wear something similar (you can actually buy the same shirt this week only, look in announcement slides for the link). Staff are wearing these as a reminder to think about how we treat others.
2017 Oswego High School Future Panther Summer Baseball Camp The OHS baseball coaching staff and varsity baseball players are hosting this 4 day camp that will focus on the fundamentals of baseball (hitting and fielding mechanics, base running, pitching, catching, infield and outfield play). Positional work will be incorporated into the more advanced groups. Who: Baseball Players Grades K— 8 (Ages 5—13) When: June 12—June 15 (M—Th.) , Rain Date June 19 Time: 8:30 to 10:00AM Where: Oswego High School Varsity Baseball Field Please see Mr. Giarrante or Mr. Bachio for more information.
Do you have a LRC fine for overdue book(s) Do you have a LRC fine for overdue book(s)? 1 tiger token = 10¢ Pay up to $1 of fines in tiger tokens in the LRC
Remember to register for the Tiger Roark 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run before MaY 1st to be guaranteed a t-shirt!!! Register online at: www.tigerroar5k.weebly.com Or… turn in your registration form to your PE teacher before the 1st!
Oswegoland Woman's Civic Club (OWCC) “Campership Award.” Any 8th grade student who will be participating in any camps over the summer to develop or advance his/her skills in academics or the arts (band camp, theater camp, robotics camp, art classes, special interest camps, workshops, etc.), . Applications for the Campership Award are available in the main office or online, and should be submitted to Mrs. Folley by the end of the school day, Monday, May 1st.
Cooking club is today April 20th at 3:10! See you then!
Oswego High School 8th Grade Athletic Orientation Come and meet the coaches! Who: Current 8th graders (and their parents) interested in High School Athletics for the 2017-2018 school year. Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Time: 6:00 P.M. Location: OHS Main Gym (Please enter through door 35) Pick up valuable information about summer camps. Find out what sports are offered at OHS for the 2017-2018 year. Learn about our online registration you will need BEFORE tryouts. If you are unable to attend all information will be posted on our athletic website, il.8to18.com/oswego. ?? Questions: Call the Athletic Office at 630-636-2023.