FLY Professional Development Team What’s My Role?
Composition One representative from each of the 21 FLY Districts One superintendent representative Coordinated by Anna Runestad Assisted by Deecy Jesse from SW/WC Service Cooperative
Function Receive directives from Superintendent Team Research, discuss, plan, and execute professional development opportunities for FLY districts on Joint Staff Development days Reviews and edits the Framework document Return plans to Superintendent Team for final approval
Meetings Attend 5 meetings throughout the year. The meetings will be held from 9:00-2:00 p.m.
Communicators FLY PD Team Members bring information/data from respective districts to assist in planning and decision-making. from each meeting back to their districts to keep admin/staff on the same page concerning FLY PD plans.
Gatherers To measure the effectiveness of FLY professional development opportunities, the FLY PD Team creates, issues, and assesses Survey Monkey surveys.
Team Arrangement The FLY PD Team will be divided into flexible sub- committees at each meeting. Once sub-committees have researched, discussed, and planned, sub-committee work is shared with the entire FLY PD Team for approval and passed on to the Superintendent Team for final approval.
Future Plan future year's Joint Staff Development Activities Work together as a team and keep our districts well informed Roll with whatever the Superintendent Team sends our way