11. God at Prayer John 17:1-24 p. 996 - 997
How’s your Prayer Life? Praying while Biking Prayer in the pressure of life: About me, myself and I (or those I love) Immediate situation – God’s will a little uncertain. My goals, my encouragement, my desires. (Not wrong to lift our concerns to God – our Father)
1. The Essence: God’s Glory Theme of glorifying God is in all Jesus’ prayers: Lord’s Prayer: “… hallowed be your name” Same night: “take this cup … not my will, but yours …” Lazarus (John 11:40-42): “… see the glory of God”
If we are to learn prayer from Jesus then we always base our prayers and root our requests in the Glory and Will of God.
(Two things turn such a reading on its head.) 2. “Glorify your Son” Great verse: glorify me so I can glorify you! [ ?!? ] (Two things turn such a reading on its head.) It is a prayer for strength to endure (v 2) Glorification through crucifixion, resurrection, ascension Coherence between Life-of-Prayer and Lifestyle (v 4)
God is glorified through the faithful: 2. “Glorify your Son” . . . God is glorified through the faithful: Joni Eareckson Tada Nic Vujicic Dietrich Bonhoeffer
3. For Disciples: “I am glorified in them” Jesus’ glory is entrusted to the disciples (v 10) “That they may be one” (v 11) Reflection of the relationships within the Godhead Left behind to reflect God & be his presence. v 13 “Joy” v 15 “kept safe from the evil one” v 17 “sanctified in truth”
4. All Disciples: “Given glory … be ONE” 3x in successive verses Jesus prays we are ONE. One-minded, loving unity of care and purpose. The life within the Trinity evident in our lives (together)
Living It How’s your prayer life? Jesus’ prayer is founded on and rooted in: The Glory of God (v 1) The coherence of his Life-of-prayer and Lifestyle (v 4) E.g. Sunday Morning A God of Sabbath!
Living It . . . Prayer is not saying things to God. It is dwelling with Him and aligning ourselves with Him