Title: Earth's cycles Notes INB Pg. 15 Essential Question: How does carbon travel through all 4 spheres of Earth?
A. Cycle = a series of steps that repeats. 2 Types of Earth’s Cycles: Closed cycle/system: Matter (materials) cannot enter or leave Earth. Open cycle/system: Energy can enter and leave Earth. *Let’s draw a diagram!!
B. Biogeochemical cycles: -repeated path of chemicals through the environment to living organisms & back to environment.
The Water Cycle
Go get the clicker that matches your seat number!
1. The Carbon Cycle Carbon is found in all living things & materials made by living things States of Carbon: Solid = coal Liquid = petroleum/oil Gas = C02 & methane Photosynthesis: plants rearrange CO2 and H2O into sugars (food) Animals get carbon by eating plants or other animals Organisms die compact in the soil as fossil fuels (coal, oil) Carbon sink/reservoir = place that stores carbon… THE OCEAN!
The Carbon Cycle
Title: Carbon Cycle Journey INB Pg. 14 Purpose: You will travel as a single atom of carbon through the carbon cycle. As you move through the 4 spheres of Earth (Hydrosphere, Lithosphere/Geosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere) you will record where you have been by collecting a specific colored bead. You will model the carbon cycle in both the pre-industrial and post-industrial era, and then compare your data. Directions: Create two lists of 22 numbers on the top of pg. Grab a pipe clean and create a “knot” at one end. (this keeps your evidence from falling on the floor) At your first station (Mrs. O will tell you where to go), take a colored bead and place on your pipe cleaner. Role the sphere dice, read the statement and move or stay to the next sphere. Add a bead , then role the dice, read the statement and move or stay to the next sphere. Continue this process until your have 22 beads. Return to your seat, and record the spheres you traveled to IN ORDER! Remember the bottom bead is #1. Remove your beads, and return them to the correct beaker. DO NOT MIX UP THE COLORS! You will complete a 2nd round of 22 stops. However, this time you will use a dice the represents the carbon cycle after the industrial revolution. After 22 stops, record the spheres you traveled to IN ORDER and return your beads & pipe cleaner. Create a Carbon cycle using pgs. 14-15 of the blue textbook. Develop a bar graph of both the pre & post industrial # of sphere stops.
Use pg. 14-15 in the blue textbook to show you Carbon cycle journey.
Earth Sci. Board Game Rules: Choose a game piece (test tube). Place your game piece on START. 1st player, have another player draw a question card and read you the question. If the player gets it right, move your test tube the number of stars on the question card. Next players turn. Winner with reach the MAD SCIENTIST first, or the furthest player: they will receive extra credit on our Test this THURSDAY!