Curriculum Development Updates 12/09/2013 Curriculum Development Updates Academic Affairs Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment Fall Planning 2017
Agenda Summer 2017 Work College Procedure 12/09/2013 Agenda Summer 2017 Work College Procedure Steps in Curriculum Development Process Curriculum Approval Timelines Forms and Guidelines Fall Planning, 2017
Summer 2017 Work SACSCOC Changes Institutional Changes FDOE Changes 12/09/2013 Summer 2017 Work SACSCOC Changes Substantive Change Policy Accreditation Standards Institutional Changes FDOE Changes These are all the reasons why the curriculum development procedures, processes and forms were updated. The Sun symbol applies to SACSCOC Policy, particularly Significant Departure and how it affects the Timeline of Approval. SACSCOC changes have occurred within the past year. Fall Planning, 2017
12/09/2013 College Procedure 402(a) The Curriculum Development process is defined in the College’s Policy and Procedure Manuals, which has been updated. They can be found in the document repository. The revised Curriculum Development procedure is currently in the approval process to be effective later this fall. Departments President’s Office College Procedures Fall Planning, 2017
Steps in Major Curriculum Development Process 12/09/2013 OVERVIEW: Steps in Major Curriculum Development Process Initiation Academic Dept. Approval Academic Affairs (Provost) Initial Approval Finalization (Interdepartmental) Final Approval SACSCOC /Financial Aid Approval Implementation These are the general steps to approval for any curriculum approval. They align the Colleges Procedures. However, depending on the extent of changes and time needed, some steps may repeat. Implementation includes, inclusion in the catalog, admissions, marketing and recruitment efforts, etc. Fall Planning, 2017
New Course & Major Curriculum Revision Approval 12/09/2013 Timeline for: New Course & Major Curriculum Revision Approval Provost Finalization Final Approval Implementation Eff. Spring 2018 Eff. Summer 2018 Eff. Fall 2018 SEPT. 1ST NOV. 1ST FEB. 1ST The timeline begins at the point the Proposal is submitted to Academic Affairs (Provost Approval). The deadlines referenced are based on the current catalog year. Depending on the extent of a Program Revision, the process may default to the New Program Proposal timeline. Fall Planning, 2017
12/09/2013 Timelines for: New Program Abstract & Proposal Approval Provost* Finalization* Teach. & Learn. Final Approval SACSCOC & Implementation Committee Financial Aid Approval Abstract approval Proposal approval Proposal approval Eff. Fall 2018 Eff. Spring 2019 AUG. 1ST NOV. 1ST JAN. 22ND * These steps repeat for the New Program Abstract and New Program Proposal documents. August 1st deadline applies to programs with a Significant Departure. November 1st applies to general new program approval process. Spring 2019 implementation deadline is the same for significant and non- significant departure programs based on the Curriculum Committee schedule and SACSCOC’s July deadline for Spring implementation. Fall Planning, 2017
^Program closures are effective in the Fall term of a catalog year 12/09/2013 Timeline for: Recommendation for Program/Course Closure Approval Provost Finalization Final Approval SACSCOC Implementation Approval Eff. Spring 2018 Eff. Summer 2018 Eff. Fall 2018 ^Program closures are effective in the Fall term of a catalog year OCT. 2ND SACSCOC deadline of December for Fall implementation. Implementation means that the college/ department will discontinue enrolling new students under the closed program code. This also includes notifying students. It is critical that implementation is conducted after SACSCOC approval because our closure plan is what is being evaluated. Fall Planning, 2017
Available in Draft: SEPT. 12 12/09/2013 New pdf. Forms and Guidelines Available in Draft: SEPT. 12 Departments Academic Affairs Curriculum Development Process Curriculum Development Forms The updated pdf forms and new pdf guidelines and templates will be available on Sept. 12. All items and the procedures are going through the approval process. Fall Planning, 2017
12/09/2013 Contact us . . . Alicia Alexander, Academic and Curriculum Services Director Karla Moore, Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment Dean Fall Planning, 2017