Hello and Welcome Look at the seating chart on the board and find your seat Have out your required materials for me to check as part of your Summer Assignment requirement 5
Icebreaker On a piece of paper SECRETLY write: A person OR topic from history you like Something unique about yourself Favorite sports team OR favorite book series OR favorite comic OR favorite TV series DO NOT put your name Fold once and put in bowl. I’ll redistribute Go around and talk to classmates to figure out who owns the paper you received. Give back the owner their paper once you find them, then sit down
Handbook Everyone Electronics Cellphones NO cellphones, iPods, handheld games, earbuds, headphone, and or/or digital cameras in the “on” position or visible during schools hours Confiscated and held in office Same as 1st plus one hour after school work detail Two days of 1hr work detail Failure to attend is OSS Parent pick up and 1 day OSS Level 2 behavior offense and student placed in behavior contract. Possible removal from BDCHS.
“Visible” clause is important “But I wasn’t texting/using it” Too bad “But I was just checking the time” If you are wearing headphones and a teacher tells you to put them away “But I’m not listening to music” is NOT a viable excuse
Handbook Everyone E Plagiarism/ Cheating Level two offense Notification of parent/guardian Verbal/written reprimand Detention/ multiple detentions Extra duties Loss of privileges Consultation with admin Parent conference Work detail Restitution (ways to make amends) OSS Referral to BDCHS board of directions w/recommendation for dismissal
Numbers Listen for your number This number is for EVERYTHING KEEP IT IN A SAFE SPOT 5
Syllabus We are going to Go over the Syllabus Sign it: Either hardcopy or via website Step 1: Take 5 minutes to read it 30 minutes
Numbered Heads Together You start sitting Discuss the question as a group KEEP IT QUIET This is a competition, so you don’t want other groups mooching off of you When your group comes to a consensus over the answer, then EVERYONE STANDS I’ll pick a number 1-4 to be the representative Look at your desk decal – that is how you know your number When I call the number everyone sits down BUT that number Ill ask each group’s representative for their answer When I get your answer, you can sit
If you have make up work, who is responsible for getting it to you? Your friend Your parents Me (the teacher) You D
In what order do you go about getting make up work? Ask a friend, check the website, ask me Ask Me, ask a friend, check the website Check the website, ask a friend, ask me Check the website, ask me, ask a friend C
What can you have to keep your classwork in? Folder Binder Spiral notebook Nothing C – discuss exceptions
Do I give test redo’s? Yes No B – I do test corrections as I see fit
What do the weekly quizzes test? Classwork Readings Flipped Classroom Both B and C
Do I take late Key Concept Guides? Yes No B – if you have accommodations and you need longer on this, I must be informed no later than halfway through the assignment
May 17th 8am May 17th at 12:30pm Last day of school May 7st at 8am When is the AP exam? May 17th 8am May 17th at 12:30pm Last day of school May 7st at 8am A
Please put a cover on these Give out books Please put a cover on these You will have a reading tonight (Chapter 1) 15min
Scavenger Hunt if time
Homework SIGN Syllabus Reading: Chapter 1 of your textbook Next week will have part 2 of summer assignment due River Valley’s Map Receipt received