Word Walls in the Secondary Classroom What? Why? Word Walls in the Secondary Classroom Where? When? How?
Questions? On an index card: List at least one question you have about using word walls. No questions? List a strategy you have used in your classroom that you feel was successful.
Word Walls…. Why???
Word Walls…When? Anytime… As an activating strategy: Mid-Unit: Use to introduce or preview vocabulary Starter activity Initiate prior knowledge Mid-Unit: Have students reflect on what they have learned so far Make connections Use as a reference during lessons As a summarizing strategy Write a summary of the lesson using vocabulary words Have students pair up and quiz each other on definitions Give a weekly quiz rotating unit vocabulary words
Word Walls….What??? Targeted Words Necessary for Student Success High Frequency Thematic Content (ELA, Science, SS, Math, Health, Art…) Sentence Word Walls Semantic Clusters Big Words Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes
Word Walls….Where???? Large Wall for High Frequency Small Areas for Thematic Cabinet Doors Table Top Hanging From the Ceiling Window Small Wall Side of Shelf Bulletin Board
Word Walls….How many words and how often??? One at a time Word of the day As encountered in unit As a group Preview unit vocabulary Introduce small groups of words by category
Let’s play Group yourself in pairs One person will face the board and the other will have their back to it. You will have 1 minute to describe a list of words without saying the term.
With your partner’s back to the board, describe the vocabulary words without saying the word. Goal: Guess as many words as possible in 1 minute. Vacation Holiday Election Beach Donald Trump Turkey Payday Football
With your partner’s back to the board, describe the vocabulary words without saying the word. Goal: Get as many words as possible in 1 minute. Comet Hillary Clinton Party Chocolate Pi Snowman Shopping Technology
Word Walls… How??? “Do” the Word Wall Be a Mind Reader – Give clues to students and have them guess the word based on their prior knowledge or knowledge from the current unit. Making Meaning –Identify 4-5 vocabulary words from the text that students will need to understand in order to comprehend the text. In order to activate prior knowledge, students will brainstorm what they already know about the vocabulary term. Do a think-pair-share if you perceive that they will have difficulty with the new terms. During the reading, use the think aloud strategy to model how context clues provide context and give meaning to the vocabulary words. Making Meaning Worksheet Double Bubble – At the end of a unit, choose two terms whose meanings can be compared and contrasted. Students individually complete the Double Bubble Map using what they have learned in the unit to determine how the terms coincide and how they are different. Students will have seen the most pertinent vocabulary associated with the particular area of study. The Double Bubble Map can bring the word wall for the unit to an appropriate closure and can also be used as a quick summative evaluation of the understanding acquired with respect to terminology presented in the unit.
“Do” the Word Wall (cont.) Graffiti Vocabulary - When the vocabulary words are associated with subject specific concepts, have the student create word posters that incorporate visual representations of the term. Sample Rubric Quick Definitions - Provide a definition (orally and/or written on the board) of one of the word wall words. Students choose and write the word to match the definition. Repeat the process encouraging students to review all the words as they select the answer. Vocabulary Cartoons - This strategy, taken from an SAT Prep resource, is an excellent way to help students visualize new words. It includes the following elements: vocabulary term phonetic spelling brief description linking word cartoon sentence that uses the vocabulary term Jigsaw this activity at the beginning of a unit so that each student group is responsible for one word. Throughout the unit, refer to the vocabulary cartoons as the terms come up in the lessons. Groups must present their work on the spot. Vocab Cartoon Handout Word Sorting - Provide a list of vocabulary words from a reading selection and have students sort them into various categories (e.g., parts of speech, branches of government). Students can re-sort words into "guess my sort" using categories of their own choosing.
Categorized by color and type
Term, definition and illustration
Illustrated Math Terms
Thematic Word Wall in High School Classroom What Is the Tone of My Writing? Thematic Word Wall in High School Classroom
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