Fantasy: A Literary Genre and A Useful Source for the Film Industry Anıl Badı
Fantasy As A Literary Genre Fantasy is a genre of fiction in which the magical and supernatural elements are used. Therefore, in fantasy works, the events take place in imaginary lands. Use of fantastic elements can be seen even in the first written epics in the world. William Morris, Teddy Brooks, C.S Lewis, J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fantasy As A Source for the Film Industry Since the genre offers a new world either in a place resembling hell or heaven, many people like reading fantasy books. The film industry, which is aware of this appreciation, produces movies whose plots are based on the works of fantasy.
Fantasy Books, Fantastic Films Some of the best-known works of fantasy taken to the movie theatres are LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Snow White and The 7 Dwarves. These movies appeal to millions of people in the world from children to adults and this brings a huge profit to the industry.
As A Conclusion, Fantasy… To sum up, appealing to millions of people regarless of the age, fantasy is a unique genre. And the film industry, using fantasy works, also appeals to many people and makes huge amounts of money. May you all enjoy the fantasy in your lives!