Welcome to 2nd Grade
Important School Details If a student is out, please send an excuse or doctor’s note within 3 school days. If a student has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea, or any other type of communicable disease, please keep the child home until he/she is free of symptoms for 24 hours or until cleared to attend school by a doctor. Students are tardy at 8:00 a.m. Students may not receive an early dismissal after 2:30 p.m.
Information Continued Appropriate school behavior is a requirement. Inappropriate school behavior has consequences. We offer in school suspension (retract) to try to avoid suspension; however, extreme behaviors or offenses will result in a parent/principal conference and probable suspension. Daily behavior updates are sent in the communication folders. Snack is a PRIVILEGE and students that misbehave will lose snack privileges. Grade level newsletters go home each Monday and are posted to your page at www.ces.chickasawschools.com and on Facebook on the Chickasaw City Schools 2nd Grade Class
Arrival and Dismissal All students being brought to school in a car GO THROUGH THE CAR LINE. Students may not be dropped of anywhere other than the car line. Otherwise, this is creats a dangerous situation with buses, day care vans, and Pre-K parents. Please remind parents to sign all notes, give snacks money and kisses before they get into car line so it will flow smoothly. We are asking at arrival and dismissal is for the safety of 500 students.
Grading Information State’s recommends that teachers of re- teaching and re-testing if a student scores below a 60% on an assessment. Once the student is re- taught and re-tested the original score and the new score will be averaged together. The student will not be able to receive above a 70% in the grade book for that assessment.
Homework Weekly learning targets, news, important dates, spelling words, High-Frequency Words, and Homework information is found on the weekly newsletter. Math Homework is on the back of the newsletter. Please complete one day at a time as homework is sent as practice of what was taught that day or on a previous day. Reading homework is sent on another page with comprehension questions. Please time you child for one minute. Take notes of works missed or skipped. When time is up mark where your child stopped. Write this total of words in the 1st box for the day. Then, write the total number of words missed in the 2nd box for the day. Subtract missed words to the total words. Write is number on the 3rd box. Then sign. Repeat these steps each day and review the comprehension questions