Learn To Be SunWise!
Sun Exposure
When do I need to protect myself from sun exposure? At all times not just in the summer Sun’s UV rays hit the earth all year Late Spring & Early Summer the worst 9:00 am to 3:00 pm prime UV exposure UV rays are not stopped by clouds
Ultraviolet (UV) Rays
What exactly are "ultraviolet rays" ? part of sunlight / invisible radiation 3 types: UVA, UVB, UVC UVA most abundant at earths surface penetrates beyond top layer of skin can damage connective tissue UVB most absorbed in ozone layer penetrates less than UVA least damaging to cells UVC all absorbed in stratosphere most dangerous to skin
How can I protect myself from the sun's UV rays? avoid outdoor activities prime time (9-3) Wear protective clothing wide brimmed hat long-sleeved shirt long pants Use other protective gear wrap-around, 100% UV protected sunscreen at least SPF 15 beware of expiration dates high heat can shorten shelf life
What can excessive exposure to UV rays do to my health? biggest environmental factor in developing skin or lip cancer premature aging, change in skin texture also associated with eye issues such as cataracts
What is the UV Index? forecast of exposure risk can help you determine amount of protection you need scale 0-10+ with 0 being no risk and 10+ being severe risk
UV Index
Tanning and Burning
Not everyone burns or tans in the same manner Not everyone burns or tans in the same manner. Are there ways to classify different skin types? Whether individuals burn or tan depends on a number of factors, including their skin type, the time of year, and the amount of sun exposure they have received recently.
Skin Types I II III IV V VI Skin Type Tanning and Sunburning History Always burns, never tans, sensitive to sun exposure II Burns easily, tans minimally III Burns moderately, tans gradually to light brown IV Burns minimally, always tans well to moderately brown V Rarely burns, tans profusely to dark VI Never burns, deeply pigmented, least sensitive
Why does the skin tan when exposed to the sun? UV rays cause production of melanin melanin comes to surface as a tan this tan represents damaged skin
Rub It On
Does it matter what kind of sunscreen I use? not as long as it blocks UVA & UVB and has a minimum SPF 15 rating many types available: spray, gel, oil, etc. some specialize: dry skin, nose, lips, etc.
What does a sunscreen's SPF rating mean? Sun Protection Factor effectiveness in offering protection from UV radiation higher the number, more protection should always use at least SPF 15
How do sunscreens work? most absorb, reflect or scatter UV rays using a chemical that interacts with the skin to protect it from UV prevent problems from sun exposure like skin cancer & premature aging
Do sunscreens need to be reapplied during the course of a day? at very least follow directions on package some protect when sweating or in water, probably should reapply often anyway probably should reapply fairly often during peak hours of sun
Can cosmetics protect you from UV rays? some claim to be able to be sure they are at least SPF 15 to be safe
Cover Up
What kinds of clothing best protect my skin from UV rays? loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts/pants tightly woven material wet shirt not as good as dry one
Does protective clothing have to be a certain color? any color is ok dark colors offer a little more protection
Wear a Hat!
Will a hat help protect my skin? What styles work best? can help shield skin from UV rays choose one to shade all of head & neck a wide brim all the way around that shades completely your face, ears and back of neck is best if you choose a baseball cap supplement with sunscreen for best protection
Does the color or material of the hat matter? color is not that important but darker colors are slightly better tightly woven materials are best straw hats with large holes do not offer much protection
Grab Shades!
Are sunglasses an important for sun protection? YES! protect eyes from UV rays help protect against cataracts protect tender skin around eyes
What type of shades protect my eyes from UV rays best? ones that protect from UVA & UVB most sold in US do this wrap-around glasses are best they block UV rays from sides
Seek Shade
Are there particular times I should try to stay in the shade? The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. To protect yourself during these peak times you should seek shelter from an umbrella, tree, or other shelter.
If I stay in the shade, should I still use sunscreen? UV rays bounce off of everything to be safe wear sunscreen even in the shade