Science and Technology of Consciousness Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
We create our reality How can we make intelligently informed decisions about who we are, what we choose to believe, and how we live our life?
What is Critical Thinking? Being “critical”? No! Question-asking attitude We will use a systematic 3-step procedure
1. Being a Sponge Reporter: SUMMARY Seeks to understand Simply describes with an open mind Summarizes the thesis, reasons/claims, and conclusion Delays evaluation Is objective
2. Panning For Gold Investigative Journalist: ANALYSIS Interacts with the knowledge “Walks in the author’s shoes” Follows the logic within its context Delays evaluation Is objective
3. Panning for Gold Columnist: EVALUATION Interprets the knowledge Evaluates its truth & implications Seeks alternate explanations Takes a personal stand, backed by solid reasoning Is subjective & deep
Reporter SUMMARY: • Who • What
Reporter’s Questions Who is the author? What are the author’s credentials, date & location? What is the author’s main question or issue? What is the author’s thesis or wholeness statement?
Investigative Journalist ANALYSIS: • How • Why • To Whom
Investigative Journalist’s Questions What are the author’s reasons that support the thesis (write out the logic)? Who is the author’s intended audience? What are the author’s personal and cultural background, unspoken assumptions, values, world view? What are the author’s intentions for writing this text (to educate, sell, inflame or entertain; financed by whom)?
• Individual Perspective • Cosmic Perspective • Subjective Reflection Columnist EVALUATION • Individual Perspective • Cosmic Perspective • Subjective Reflection • Objective Reflection
Columnist’s Questions Is the reasoning based in sound logic? Give examples. Are any terms ambiguous? Which ones? Are all alternate explanations for the conclusions being considered? (examples) Where do I personally stand on this issue? What is my own logic and evidence? What is my own underlying world view? How can this issue be viewed in light of the Science of Consciousness?
Creative Individual CREATIVE APPLICATION • Synthesis • Solutions • Applications • Action Steps
In Pairs Discuss how Summary is different from Analysis. Look at the sample questions. Discuss how Analysis is different from Evaluation. Look at the sample questions.
Small Group Exercise (3-4 people) Science of Being: “Speaking Harmoniously” Summarize: What issue is being addressed? Analyze: What are the values, assumptions, or world view embedded in the reading?
Grading: Summary, Analysis, Evaluation of Written Assignments In this class, an “A”-level paper: starts with a clear summary of the main idea develops that idea logically with supporting details and evidence concludes by relating the supporting material back to the main idea
Grading: Summary, Analysis, Evaluation of Your Critical Thinking Skills In this class, an “A”-level paper: gives a clear, open-minded summary of the thesis, main points, conclusion pinpoints the chains of reasoning; describes the author’s context, audience, intentions, and underlying world view articulates your personal point of view, backed by solid reasoning
Review of Steps in Critical Thinking 1. Summary 2. Analysis 3. Evaluation Reporter: Seeks to understand Simply describes with an open mind Summarizes thesis, main points, conclusion Delays evaluation Is objective Investig. Journalist: Interacts with the knowledge Follows the logic Reflects on the author’s context, intentions, audience, implied world view Delays evaluation Is objective Columnist: Interprets the knowledge Evaluates truth & implications Seeks alternate explanations Takes a personal stand, backed by solid reasoning Is subjective
4. CREATIVE APPLICATION • Synthesis • Solutions • Applications • Action Steps
We create our reality.