Roots and Stems
Roots Why are roots important? They may make up over half of the body of a plant Roots: anchor the plant to the ground and absorb water and minerals the plant needs to grow
Parts of a root Vascular cylinder: center of the root which contains the xylem and the phloem -Surrounded by ground tissue & covered by dermal tissue Most water is absorbed by the dermal tissue just above the root tip. Root hairs: tiny projections on the dermal tissue. Root hairs find their way into spaces in the soil… greatly adding surface area for water absorption Root cap: covers the root tip. Small cone of cells that protect the growing part of the root as it pushes through the soil
Parts of a root Just behind the root cap is where most of the root’s growth occurs Meristem: group of cells that are the source of new cells. Located just behind the root cap Meristem cells are not specilized cells but as divide form specilized tissues Apical meristems: areas of growth that lengthen tips of roots and stems Lateral meristem: found all along woody roots & stems. Increase thickness.
Types of roots Fibrous roots: fine branching roots which are mostly the same size Tap roots: long thick vertical root with smaller branches
Water and mineral uptake All plants require water and minerals Mineral nutrients usually dissolved in water as ions Nitrogen taken up as NO3- ions Iron taken up as Fe2+ ions Plants use energy to actively transport these ions into the roots Increase concentration of ions causes water to move in by osmosis Several essential minerals… Nitrogen, Magnesium, Iron