Welcome to a new school year!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to a new school year! Learning with, from and for others.

Welcome Ms Finch Head Teacher We aim to develop in our pupils: An enthusiasm for learning and an enquiring mind that is open to new experiences and change A strong knowledge of self and confidence & pride in their individuality A full understanding of being healthy A sense of what it means to be part of and contribute to their community Respect for the environment An ability to set goals and have future ambitions Ms Finch Head Teacher

Behaviour, Rewards & Sanctions Ms Finch Head Teacher Home school agreement Our behaviour policy can be found on our website (extends to before and after school activities.)

PTA, School Council & Snack What is the PTA and how can I get involved? What is the school council and how can my child apply? Who gets snack? and bacon butties? How much does it cost? When can children have a bacon butty? Mrs Spain

Uniform & Hairstyles Miss Davis Uniform Shoes Hairstyles

Family Opportunities Mrs Phillips Family lunches are held each term Breakfast with Santa Writing and maths open afternoons are also held each term You are always welcome to join us for our Friday assemblies (10.10am) School fairs (Christmas & summer) and any other events throughout the year How Learning Mentors can help children and families

Website, Calendar Dates and School Newsletters Miss Hughes – School Bursar Newsletters will be given out every Friday along with reminders of key dates Calendar dates were given out at the end of the summer term Important dates are also available on our school website

Reception Miss E. Dunn: EYFS Lead, class teacher and English Lead Mrs H. Dudley-Davis: Class Teaching Assistant Miss J. Coombes: Class Welfare Assistant Mrs J. Farrall: Class Teaching Assistant

Good Learner Characteristics Miss Dunn Focused Keen Organised Determined Well Behaved

Learning Outside the Classroom Mrs Dudley Davis Most trips will require a permission slip, it’s helpful if you can return these to school as quickly as possible (either to Mrs Rennie, or to your class teacher). We have various trips throughout the school year, depending on the year group and the topic that the class are studying (e.g. museums, the zoo, workshops etc.). Residential Trips (Y2 Tattenhall, Y4 Beeston, Y6 Conway).

Year 1 Mr R. Bartlett : Class Teacher and P.E. & Computing Lead Mrs C. Birt: Class Teaching Assistant Mrs A. Sewell: PPA cover

Phonic Screening Mr Bartlett What is phonics screening? Who is involved? When will it happen? Important that spelling improves too.

PE kits & Swimming Arrangements Mrs Birt P.E. kits need to be in school every day. All children should take their kits home to be washed at the end of a half term. What does PE uniform look like? What sort of subjects do we study? When do we teach swimming? Where do we teach swimming? What kit do we need to go swimming?

Health & Safety and Safeguarding Mrs Rennie Learning Mentor How should we enter school? How do we collect our children at the end of the day? What should you do if you need someone else to collect your child?

Year 2 Mrs H. Gaynor : Deputy Headteacher, English Lead and class teacher Miss B. Smethurst: Class Teaching Assistant Mrs A. Sewell: Management cover

Y2 SATs These are the DFE’s standardised way of assessing standards. Mrs Gaynor Deputy Head These are the DFE’s standardised way of assessing standards. These will be taken during May. Results will be included in your child’s end of year report.

Reading and Homework Miss Smethurst Homework will be given out on a Wednesday, and will need to be returned before the following Wednesday. Homework club runs after school on a Wednesday for anyone who wishes to attend. All year 2 and 6 children must attend this to consolidate their learning and help them prepare for their SATS. Miss Smethurst Children need to read at home at least 3 times a week (to an adult). This needs to be recorded in reading records.

Year 3 & 4 Mrs J. Seaward : Class Teacher, Maths and Science Lead Mrs S. Davenport: Class Teacher and school SENDCo Tracy Phillips: Learning Mentor and HLTA Mrs K. Spain: Class Teaching Assistant Mrs K. Stuart: Class Teacher (Friday)

Communication Mrs Seaward Please communicate with your child’s Class Teacher if you have a concern, or if you wish to discuss anything to improve your child’s experience at Westminster. Please do let us know in person/writing if you have a concern so that we can help to address it. As a school, we work hard to keep all of our children safe and we need you to do the same. In order to do this, we ask that any photographs taken during school events are not posted on social media; you may post only about your own child.

SEND Mrs Davenport School SENDCo What is my role at Westminster? What should you do if you have a concern about your child’s progress?

Year 5 & 6 Mrs L. Taylor : Class Teacher, Maths and Science Lead Miss K. Davis: Class Teaching Assistant Miss L. Tappin: Class Welfare Assistant

End of Key Stage 2 Tests Mrs Taylor What tests do Year 6 take? When are these tests? Week of 14th May 2018. How do I prepare my child?