The Just Shall Live By Faith Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome
Outline Introduction 1:1-17 Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21 Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith 6:1 – 11:36 4
Question #2 Introduced in 6:14 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Introduced in 6:14 Sin should not be our “master” 6:1-14 We’re under grace, not law (and sin) 5:20 Some might therefore have thought… Can we sin since we are under grace and not under law?
Question #2 Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Paul spoke “in human terms because of the weakness of their flesh” Sin brings worse conditions vv. 19, 21, 23 “Wages” (what we deserve) = death Sin never has any benefit 1 Pet 1:18
Question #2 Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Sin brings worse conditions vv. 19, 21, 23 Sin only produces shame when we finally see it for what it really is Being a slave to righteousness allows one to be sanctified (set apart) from that which kills
Question #2 Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Emphasis on sin 6:19-23 Sin brings worse conditions vv. 19, 21, 23 Being a slave to righteousness also allows one to receive the “gift” (undeserved) of eternal life “Gift” vs. “Wages”
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Written especially to Jewish saints in Rome Paul will now specifically prove they are no longer under the Mosaic covenant To illustrate law’s jurisdiction, he uses the marriage relationship
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Married woman is bound by law to husband as long as he is alive If she marries another while he lives, she is guilty of adultery Assumes unlawful divorce
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 If husband #1 is dead, she is free from the law to be married to husband #2 Jewish saints were free to be married to Christ…the Law (husband #1) was dead They were not under law
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Even though under grace, they were still under law 1 Cor 9:21 Jas 1:25 Therefore, do not sin
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 While married to husband #1 (the Law), sinful passions were aroused, at work Aroused because the Law points them out, makes them apparent 5:20 7:13 Gal 3:19 No forgiveness 7:6 8:3 Heb 7:18-19
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Now married to husband #2 (Christ)…no longer bound to husband #1 No longer bound to an “old letter” Now serve in “newness of spirit” 2 Cor 3:2-3, 5-11
Question #2 Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Law But Grace? 6:15 – 7:6 Shall We Sin…We’re Not Under Marriage to Christ 7:1-6 These same verses also provide some necessary refutation to modern-day error on the subject of M/D/R They help clarify a distinction that often gets ignored in M/D/R error
M/D/R Teaching From Rom 7:1-4 This passage admits what some erroneous doctrines deny…there is a difference between the “marriage” and the “bond” Marriage is what man does Mt 19:9 The bond is what God does Mt 19:5-6 Illustrated by the situation involving Herod, Herodias, & Philip Mk 6:14-18
Mk 6:17-18 BOUND Rom 7:2 Married Divorce Philip Herodias AGREEMENT
Mk 6:17-18 Married Bound Gen 2:24; Mt 19:5-6 Herodias Philip Herod What results is that Herodias is married to Herod while still being bound to Philip (Rom 7:3). This is adultery…it is not lawful.
Question #3 Introduced in 7:5 Is The Law Sin? 7:7-23 Whenever there is a problem, somebody or something has to be at fault (victimology) Some might therefore have thought… Is the law sin?