CNES Agency Report for GSICS Presented by Denis Jouglet ( Contributions : IASI: E. Jacquette, C. Maraldi, D. Jouglet, O. Vandermarcq IASI-NG: F. Bermudo, S. Rousseau, F. Bernard, E. Péquignot VIS/NIR: Aimé Meygret (, Bertrand Fougnie ( GSICS meeting, 16-20 March 2015, Delhi, India
Status of the IASI program (IASI-A and B) Status of the IASI inter-comparisons Status of the IASI-NG program Status of VIS/NIR activities
Status of the IASI program (IASI-A and B) Status of the IASI inter-comparisons Status of the IASI-NG program Status of VIS/NIR activities
IASI-A and IASI-B status IASI-A and IASI-B L1C data quality on normal operation mode: ~ 99.4% (B3), 99.6% (B1&B2) of good quality L1C spectra IASI-A and IASI-B radiometric noises are very close to each other and very stable Ice effect between 700 and 1000 cm-1 (condensation on the field lens) Decontamination of IASI-A from 8th to 13rd September 2014 : the last one until end of life Decontamination of IASI-B from 10th to 14th March 2014 (first one in routine), next one should be performed on beginning 2016. IASI-A and IASI-B instruments are both very stable No drift since last performances presentation at 2014 GSICS meeting IASI-A IASI-B
In-flight IASI Compensation Device (CD) stop operations The CD was made to compensate possible perturbations induced by the cube corner movements of IASI on the MetOp attitude control. Decision to perform in-flight CD stop operations : test the capability to operate IASI without CD activated. On IASI-A, CD stop operations were performed during 2 days end of November. On IASI-B, 3 weeks of unexpected data with the CD stopped are available (due to a probable Single Event Transient on the 18th December 2014) IASI-A and IASI-B performances have been analysed during these 2 periods of Compensation Device stopped in-flight But simulations and ground tests showed that the CD have an impact on IASI performances and that the impact on MetOp should be low Perturbation in the ISRF (replicating it at about ±14cm-1) mainly caused by micro-vibrations of the interferometer beam-splitter induced by the CD Spectral and radiometric impact
Results – performances with CD stopped CD ON CD OFF Credit: Tim Hultberg Evidences of the presence of ghost: PC Scores (EUMETSAT): example with 1 PC related to the ghost (or at least instrument artefact). Particular pattern disappears when the CD is stopped. Correlation matrix: correlation of all the IASI channels (8461) of black body (BB) spectra acquired on BB external calibration. One major contributor of the correlation between channels when the noise is low is the ghost effect. CD ON CD OFF “Ghost effect” almost totally eliminated by the stop of the CD, leading to an improvement of the IASI spectral and radiometric performances. The CD stop does not disrupt the geolocation, at IASI or MetOp platform level. Credit: Bernard Tournier
Status of the IASI program (IASI-A and B) Status of the IASI inter-comparisons Status of the IASI-NG program Status of VIS/NIR activities
In-flight IASI inter-calibration activities 3 independent tools for inter-comparison: Common observations (SNOs or quasi-SNOs), operational for the 5 couples of sensors: IASI-A / IASI-B, IASI-A / AIRS, IASI-A / CRIS, IASI-B / AIRS, IASI-B / CRIS IASI-A global massive mean vs IASI-B global massive mean IASI comparison with NWP+RT (IASI-A calc – obs ) – (IASI-B calc – obs) The tools will be operational for a long time, inclusion of future sensors (IASI-C, IASI-NG, etc.) New outputs for 2015: Increased size of the dataset (> 2 years for IASI-B) IASI comparison with NWP+RT developed by LMD and under operationalization at CNES Main result: very accurate cross-calibration IASI-B / IASI-A: bias < 0.1K, IASI / AIRS & CRIS: bias < 0.2K) On-going activities: Reduction of the quasi-SNO database size IASI linearity tables investigation and update for B1 IASI uncertainty budget under progress for action GRWG_14.13 See presentation 1n (mini conference)
Status of the IASI program (IASI-A and B) Status of the IASI inter-comparisons Status of the IASI-NG program Status of VIS/NIR activities
IASI New Generation PROGRAM In the frame of the Second Generation of EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS-SG), a New Generation of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI-NG) will be developed by CNES in collaboration with EUMETSAT IASI New Generation is a follow-on system wrt IASI first generation on MetOp. Its objective is to provide operational observations from polar orbit for numerical weather prediction, atmospheric chemistry and climate monitoring in the 2020 to 2045 timeframe With respect to the first generation, IASI-NG will : ensure continuity of essential operational observations without gap; improve the accuracy / resolution of the measurements ( NedT, spectral resolution) EPS-SG is a collaborative program between EUMETSAT, ESA and CNES EUMETSAT is responsible for overall mission requirements, procurement of the launchers and LEOP services, development of the ground segments, space and ground segment operations ESA is responsible for the development and procurement of the MetOp-SG SL which consists in two series of SL: Sat -A and Sat-B CNES is responsible for the development and procurement of the IASI-NG System (space and ground segments) and performs TEC operations
IASI New Generation System CNES is in charge of the technical development management of : IASI-NG instruments to be flown on MetOp-SG A Satellites Technical Expertise Centre in charge of in-flight calibration/validation and instrument performances monitoring Level 1 Processor for post-processing instrument data : high resolution spectra measurements continuously from 3.6 µm to 15.5 µm
IASI-NG Schedule overview 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Phase 0 Phase A Phase B Phase C/D Operations EPS-SG System Development 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2027 2035 Pre-Phase A Phase A/B1 Phase B2/C/D Phase E MetOp-SG A Satellite Development 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Phase 0 Phase A Phase B Phase C/D Phase E IASI-NG System Development Instrument PDR Instrument CDR
From IASI to IASI-NG: Main requirements and improvements User Requirement (L1C) Objective Spectral Continuous Spectral coverage IASI ([645-2760 cm-1] or [15.5- 3.62] µm) Spectral Resolution IASI/2 (0.25 cm-1 or [6-33] nm ) Spectral Sampling IASI/2 (0.25 cm-1 or [3-16] nm) 16921 Spectral Channels Radiometric Error due to spectral decalibration IASI/2 ( dσ/σ=10-6) Radiometry NedT@280K (≈ 1/SNR) IASI/2 Absolute Radiometric Error IASI/2 ( 0.25K@280K) Geometry Pixel Size IASI ( 12km) Spatial Sampling IASI ( 25km) Navigation Geolocation Error IASI ( 1km) Lifetime 7.5 years Main technical challenges
SPACE SEGMENT OVERVIEW Major improvement: Large FOV enabled by a field compensation device made of 2 moving prisms
Instrument Budgets & Accommodation I-OH I-EM 100 kg IFM IASI NG Instrument prime 540 W BOL 500 W EOL 260 kg
Status of the IASI program (IASI-A and B) Status of the IASI inter-comparisons Status of the IASI-NG program Status of VIS/NIR activities
SADE / MUSCLE database (1/2) Deserts (PICS): SADE operational data base very rich and still improving: 32 sensors, from 1987 to 2015… more than 700000 multi-spectral measurements LANDSAT-8 being moved from the test data base to the operational base Desert sites – cross calibration method improvements: geometrical matching between ref sensor and the sensor to calibrate using site BRDF atmospheric contribution : aerosol climatology, radiative transfer code instead of SMAC surface spectral interpolation using hyperspectral data Preparation for a systematic generation of an error budget Calibration over the Rayleigh scattering: Optimization for high resolution sensors (SPOT7 commissioning phase + future sensors)
SADE / MUSCLE database (2/2) Calibration over the Moon: Pleiades Orbital Lunar Observations – “POLO” Intensive in-orbit acquisitions have been performed (1150 images from PLEIADES-1A and 1B under different viewing conditions) Objectives: to better understand the ROLO model to contribute to improve the use of lunar acquisitions; phase angle dependence to perform temporal stability monitoring, cross-sensor calibration, cross-band calibration and absolute calibration SADE database for lunar observations: A lot of sensors (PHR-1A, 1B, MODIS, MSG1, MSG2,LANDSAT-8) with different characteristics: spatial and spectral resolution, phase angle range, absolute radiometric accuracy,… data quality improvement and cross calibration activities on-going
VIS/NIR activities 2014 / 2015: CNES involved in several cal/val including preparation (Spot7, Sentinel-2/MSI, Sentinel-3/OLCI & SLSTR, Venµs) and in new developments (3MI etc.) Some GRWG Actions assigned to CNES are still on-going: GRWG_06.8 about ATBD desert GRWG_14.4 about Smoothed DCC BRDF GLCWS_14.4 about Present moon acquisitions for PARASOL Main actions for 2014: Construction of a DCC BRDF Model based on PARASOL data presented in webMeeting and CALCON’14 Co-organisation of the Lunar Calibration Workshop with EUMETSAT/USGS/NASA see talk 3k Outcome (presented by S.Wagner)