Bringing Our Best Worship To The Lord John 4:19-26 Bringing Our Best Worship To The Lord
Bringing Our Best Worship Worshiping the Lord begins with a proper attitude John 4:21-24 “those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” Best worship to the Lord begins with our heart/mind and therefore attitude Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 6:21; 12:35
Bringing Our Best Worship Worship– “to make obeisance, do reverence to… is the most frequent word rendered “to worship” Vine’s “to fawn or crouch to, that is, (lit. or fig.) prostrate oneself in homage” Strong’s Reverence – 1. honor or respect felt or shown; deference; especially: profound adoring awe respect. 2.a gesture of respect …3. the state of being revered” Mirriam-Webster Obeisance – “1. a movement of the body made in token of respect of submission; bow 2.acknowlegment of another superiority or importance; homage” Mirriam-Webster
Applying these definitions to our worship of God Must begin with an attitude of Reverence, of honor and respect felt towards God. We should be in such great awe that we bow ourselves before Him and heart and mind.
New Testament Passages which refer to Worship Wise men sought to worship Jesus – Matthew 2:2 Jesus reminded Satan what was written – Matthew 4:10 Jesus said about the Pharisees – Matthew 15:8,9 Greek word for “worship” is sebomai which means. “to revere, that is, adore; devout, religious, worship” Strong’s
New Testament Passages which refer to Worship Man from Ethiopia had traveled to Jerusalem to worship – Acts 8:27 Paul refers to the unbeliever who hears the truth – 1 Corinthians 14:25 Paul said that we “worship God in the Spirit” – Philippians 3:3 About Jesus, God said, “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” Hebrews 1:6
Why Do We Worship God? To show our obedience - John 4:23,24 To show our humility – James 4:10 Willing to submit ourselves to the Lord – James 4:6-10 God gives grace to the humble (vs.6) Submit to God (vs.7) Draw near to God (vs. 8) Humble yourself in sight of Lord (vs.10)
Why Do We Worship God? To show God honor and reverence Honoring God and reverencing God begins within our mind We are to honor both the Father & the Son – John 5:22,23 God and Jesus Worthy of Honor and Reverence- Revelation 4:9-11 – Almighty God Revelation 5:11-13 – Jesus the King
Why Do We Worship God? To Outwardly Express our Attitude Expression of our faith- Mark 11:22; 1 Peter 1:21 Expression of our love – Mark 12:29,30 Expression of our adoration – adore more that anyone or anything Expression of our respect – above all other authorities and principalities Expression of our devotion – surrendered unto the Lord Expression of our thankfulness – eternal gratitude
Why Do We Worship God? Paul said we are to thank God in our prayers – Philippians 4:6 Consider the worship brought before the throne by the angels, elders and many others – Revelation 7:11,12 When we worship the Lord from out hearts and minds, the outward expressions of the inward spiritual man can faithfully flow before His throne When you came to the assembly today, did you bring your best worship to God?