Welcome to Case Management in Human Services: HN330 Instructor: (Beverly Adams, MSW)
Seminar Agenda Hopes and Fears What we can expect from each other! Flow of HN330 – The overall Design Tips for success in this class What is case management? A few ethical dilemmas Questions and Wrap-up
What are your Hopes and Fears for this class?
What you can expect from me: Coaching and support Reinforcing & developmental feedback Encouragement to use your critical thinking Sharing my field experiences Quick turn-a-round on inquires Emails usually answered same-day Phone messages returned within 4 hours (If message is received before 6 PM ET)
What I expect from you: Ask for help when you need it, don’t wait until you are stressed out. Try your best to attend our live seminars. Participate in discussions 2 or more days per week, don’t wait until Tuesdays! Keep posts and assignments within required word-count or page-count as noted in each assignment. Be respectful with each other, challenge and build on ideas, avoid judging other’s perspectives Turn assignments in on time or contact me ahead of time to discuss any issues you may have Enjoy! We learn more when we are having fun
This is a “hands-on” class – lots of chances to practice new skills and approaches!
How this class Flows…. This course is designed to take you through the life-cycle of a case management experience. We begin by talking about what case management is and then we move through: Meeting a new client for the first time Assessing client needs and resources Helping a client develop a plan and actions Monitoring and supporting client change Wrapping up and graduating the client
How this class Flows….Con’t Unit 1: Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Unit 2: The Ecological Model: A Theoretical Perspective for Case Management Unit 3: Cultural Competence and Healthy Boundaries Unit 4: Client-Focused Communication Unit 5: Client Engagement and the First Interview
How this class Flows….Con’t Unit 6: Using a Strengths-Based Perspective to Assess Client Strengths, Needs, and Goals Unit 7: Individualized Service Planning Unit 8: Documentation and Monitoring Client Progress Unit 9: Client Termination and Taking Care of You Unit 10: Imagining the Possibilities
Note: Assignments are over 40% of your grade in this class! Grading Assessments Number Points each Total Points Assignments 4 3/100, 1/125 425 Discussions 9 30 270 Seminars 20 180 Quizzes 5 25 125 Total Points 1000 Points Note: Assignments are over 40% of your grade in this class!
Written Assignments in this class Unit 3: Brief Research Essay Assignment: Case Management Across Cultures Unit 6: Intake Assessment Unit 7: Creating an Individualized Service Plan Unit 9: Self-Reflection and Compassion Fatigue Brief Essay
Weekly Discussions
“What is a High Quality DB Post?” Stays within word-count range (varies) Demonstrates critical thinking and furthers the class discussion Initial post must refer to assigned reading, or other academic source, with proper APA style citation in the body of your post as well as source at end of post – you must have both! Uses good grammar and punctuation
Sample Discussion Post with Citation One major ethical issue case managers face is related to how vulnerable clients are when they access case management services. Nancy Summers discusses this in chapter one under the heading of Exploiting Dependency; where she says the following about case managers and vulnerable clients; "You are in a position to exploit this dependency by maintaining the client in a dependent position long after such dependency is useful for the client" (Summers, 2012, p.27). I believe this means we need to support client independence by empowering them to create their own goals. Our job is to support people but not direct them or make them dependent upon us. What do others think about this? Source: Summers, N. (2012). Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services: Fourth Edition. Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA.
Keep an eye on Doc Sharing This is a really cool function! I will upload important supplemental information (like seminar PPTs) that you can retrieve through the Doc Sharing link. This saves on filling email boxes with large files.
Attend Seminars! Seminars provide a valuable opportunity to take advantage of my experiences. Questions are answered and you have the opportunity to have course material clarified on an immediate feedback basis. We will also work together on interesting and challenging case studies In most of the seminars.
Read Your Instructor’s Comments I spend a great deal of time reading through your assignments and making comments. Take your time and read through everything written to you. These comments are one-on-one conversations with you about your work. Click on your grades to see my comments!
Now…..let’s talk about Case Management…
When you hear the term “Case Management” what do you think of or imagine in your mind?
Briefly describe an ethical dilemma you might face as a Case Manager
An Ethical Dilemma You are a Case Manager working with clients with mental illness and due to a recent separation from your spouse, your debts are building up and your car was recently repossessed. One of your long-term clients sells used cars, and notices you no longer have a vehicle. She offers you a loaner car at no cost until you can afford to buy another vehicle so you can still travel to see clients. How do you respond?
Another Ethical Dilemma You are providing case management services to a young woman, Java, who escaped a serious domestic violence relationship. You found safe housing for her and her two young children. Now she is caring for some of her friends children to earn money to support herself and her family. You need someone to watch your son Brad on weekends because you work a second job to earn money for a down payment on a house. Java offers to watch Brad for you and you are tempted to do this because you know Java and you trust her; plus you know she really needs the money. What would you do?
One last Ethical Dilemma You are locking your case management office door late Friday night, about to leave for the weekend, when your client; 17-year-old Jasmine, shows up in the hallway crying and says her parents threw her out because she admitted she was having sex with her boyfriend. She is scared and has no where to go and this neighborhood is known for late night violence and sexual assaults. You call her parents and they scream at you that their daughter is never stepping foot in their house again. You call the CPS hotline and they say there is nothing they can do for a homeless 17-year-old. The closest all-night shelter is almost two-hours away and you know from experience it is no place a single young woman. All the services that could help Jasmine are closed now until Monday. What do you do???
Unit 1: What do you have to do in this first unit? Introduce yourself. Complete the Reading – chapters 1 and 2 and review two websites. Watch video – Social Services Case Manager Carlos Romero Participate in Discussion. Attend Seminar. Take the Quiz.
Congratulations; You have completed your first Seminar in this Class Congratulations; You have completed your first Seminar in this Class! Any Questions? Closing Feedback: What did you think of our first seminar? Name one thing you found interesting that you feel you will take away from tonight’s seminar and remember and use in your work in Human Services?