Slammaster training Poetry slam, inc.
Slammasters are required to Publicly post slam selection processes so that everyone knows how to qualify to represent your venue Attend two annual SlamMaster meetings in person or by proxy Uphold PSi’s Values Statement and Equal Opportunity Statement Report any persons banned from their slam venue Meet all certification requirements each year Ensure that all poets representing their slam venue have a copy of the rules for the event they are participating in (which are in the PSi Handbook)
Slammasters are encouraged to Stay informed of PSi Important Dates & Deadlines Stay informed of PSi Policies and Procedures Familiarize themselves with the PSi Handbook Familiarize themselves with the PSi Forums Familiarize themselves with the PSi Website
Annual timeline October VENUE RE-CERTIFICATION Re-certification season is 10/1 – 12/31 and costs $50 Late re-certification is 1/1 – 1/31 and costs $75 After 2/1, venues that have not re-certified are considered “lapsed” and have to begin the certification process all over by paying $125 and submitting evidence of six slams WIN & YOU’RE IN Win & You’re In season is 10/1 – 3/31 Results must be submitted to no later than 4/1 to be validated INDIVIDUAL WORLD POETRY SLAM Happens in October. There is no Slammaster meeting at this event
Annual timeline December RE-CERTIFICATION – Did you do it yet? Price goes up in January! WOWps Registration opens for Certified Venues March WIN & YOU’RE IN Season ends 3/31!!! Send in your results!!!! WOMEN OF THE WORLD POETRY SLAM Happens in March. There IS a Slammaster meeting at this event. Attendance is mandatory, either in person or by proxy. Your proxy does NOT have to be another Slammaster, but it can be. To designate a proxy, fill out the proxy form and e-mail it at least a week before the meeting, or have your proxy hand carry the signed form to the meeting.
Annual timeline April REGISTRATION OPENS FOR NATIONAL POETRY SLAM Registration opens 1st Monday in April, closes June 1. August National Poetry Slam Happens in August. There IS a Slammaster meeting at this event. Attendance is mandatory, either in person or by proxy. Your proxy does NOT have to be another Slammaster, but it can be. To designate a proxy, fill out the proxy form and e-mail it at least a week before the meeting, or have your proxy hand carry the signed form to the meeting. Registration opens for the Individual World Poetry Slam.
Slammasters can find help in the following places Consulting any of the previously documents or sites The SlamMasters and Mentors Group on Facebook The SlamMasters Forum E-mailing
Those are the basics. Congratulations!