FERTILIZATION FERTILIZATION 1 Every 28 days an ovum leaves the ovary. 5 The fertilized ovum continues to the uterus. 3 The ovum and spermatozoid meet. 4 A spermatozoid enters the ovum. 2 The ovum passes along the fallopian tube. 6 The fertilized ovum lodges in the uterus wall. 7 A baby will start growing on the mother’s womb. 8 The baby will be completely developed in aprox. 9 months. FERTILIZATION PROCESS FEMALE SEX CELL OVUM NUCLEUS MEMBRANE FERTILIZATION It is the process in which female and male sex cells join, after sexual intercourse. It occurs in the fallopian tubes. NUCLEUS HEAD TAIL MALE SEX CELL SPERMATOZOID When an ovum isn’t fertilized the body expels it with a small amount of blood. This is called menstruation or period.
PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH Pregnancy is the set of changes that occur from the time of fertilization until the baby is born. Pregnancy lasts 9 months. During pregnancy the developing baby is called fetus. 3 months: The fetus has a head, feet, hands and even nails. 4 months: The organs of the fetus are formed. 9 months: The baby measures about 50 cms., and weighs 3,300 gms. It is fully formed and ready to be born. Childbirth occurs when the baby leaves its mother’s uterus. Childbirth begins when the mother feels her uterus contracting rhythmically as it pushes the baby toward the vagina. The mother will help pushing hard with the muscles in her abdomen. When the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut. There, the navel will remind you that you were once joined to your mom. FIRST YEAR OF LIFE From 1 to 3 months: The newborn babies can move different parts of their bodies, but they can only lie flat. They can only be fed with their mother’s milk. From 4 to 7 months: Babies are able to sit on their own. They can reach objects with their hands. At 4 months they may eat other food in addition to milk. From 7 to 9 months: They become more and more skillful. At 9 months they begin to crawl. They enjoy playing with their hands and feet. They laugh a lot loudly. From 9 to 12 months: They are able to pick things with their fingers. They eat solid food, they can understand some words. They can stand up by holding onto something, and some of them begin to walk.