Mercator, Peters and Robinson projections Guadalupe Rosalía Jiménez buenrostro
What is a projection? A projection is a way to represent the Earth in a plane form. In order to be more specifics about location in a map, projection helps moving parallels and meridians from the curved form to the plane form. Despite moving parallels and meridians, there is a distortion in maps. We can find 3 main types of projections: Mercator’s projection. Peters’ projection. Robinson’s projection.
Mercator’s projection Was designed by gerardus mercator in 1569.
It is mainly use for navigation. This projections keeps the angles. Meridians are equally spaced. But in parallels, as you approach to the poles the map distortions. Notice that Africa looks smaller than North America and Greenland. Constructed buy a mathematical formula.
Peters’ Projection Designed by arno peters in 1973.
Keeps the angles. The Ecuador is the center of the map. The distortions was less than the Mercator’s. Longitude was from 0 to 100°. As well the latitude, the north pole was 0° and the south pole was 100°. Constructed buy a mathematical formula.
Robinson’s projection Designed by Arthur robinson in 1961.
Shows very successful the size of oceans and continents. Preserves neither scale nor area of the earth. Not constructed by a mathematical formula. Directions true along all parallels and along central meridian. Distances constant along the equator and other parallels, but scales vary. More distortion near to poles.
References Anonymous. (W.D.). Mercator. 20/09/2016, de Geography Sitio web: stems/Mercator%20projection.htm Jorge Juan Lozano Cámara. (2016). Proyecciones cartográficas. 20/09/2016, de Clases Historia Sitio web: Anónimo. (2006). La proyección Peters. 20/09/2016, de Geografía Sitio web: Anonymous. (W.D.). Robinson. 20/09/2016, de Geo Reference Sitio web: Anonymous. (2009). World maps. 20/09/2016, de The Guardian Sitio web: hammer#img-2