5 Themes of geography Learning about places is an important part of history and geography—the study of Earth’s surface and the way people use it. Geographers often think about five main themes, or topics, when they study Earth and it geography. Keeping these themes in mind as you read will help you think like a geographer.
What are the five themes? Tools geographer’s use to study features on earth. Location Place Movement Region Human Environment Interaction
Location Everything on Earth has its own location-the place where it can be found. 2 Types of Location: ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth (fixed) RELATIVE: compared to other places (variable)
Absolute Location ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth (fixed) Doesn’t change Latitude/Longitude Hemispheres Grid System Address Examples: Rome is located at 41 N, 12 E Ecuador is located in Tropic of Cancer.
Relative Location RELATIVE: compared to other places (variable) Changes dependent upon where you’re comparing it to. Miles Distance Direction Examples: Rome is located near the Mediterranean Sea. Ecuador is south of Mexico.
Place A place is defined by its unique characteristics. Two types of characteristics: 1. Physical 2. Cultural
Physical Characteristics Specific to THAT place, not generic. The way a place looks. Created by nature. Mountains Rivers, Lakes, Seas Climate Vegetation Examples: Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow through Iran. Greece contains tall, rugged mountains including the world-famous Mount Olympus.
Human Characteristics Specific to THAT place, not generic. Peoples activities change the way a place looks or is represented. Man-made or invented. Language Unique buildings Religious Practices Celebrations/traditions/holidays Examples: Italian is the official language of Italy. Egypt contains many pyramids.
Movement Places do not exist in isolation. Examples Interconnectedness of the world changes the way places “look”. “globalization” People, goods & ideas move from place to place. Examples Immigration from Latin America to US. War in Iraq (troops, supplies, ideas, people) Facebook, instagram, twitter (ideas)
Region The world is divided into different regions based upon similarities & differences. Climate Location Beliefs Languages Ethnicity/Race Examples: New England region, Tri-state area, Midwest
Human Environment Interaction The environment & people are interconnected. Consequences to those actions depend upon how people choose to interact with the world and use their resources.
HEI Current Enviromental Issues: Climate Change (global warming) Energy Resources Water Conservation Deforestation