Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5


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Presentation transcript:

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 Jinyu Wang CSE 686 - Internet Programming Spring 2014

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 1: Search “Programs and Features”

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 2: Click “ Turn Windows features on or off”

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 3: Check Internet Information Services and Application Development Features and then OK.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 4: Search “Internet Information Service” and open it.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 5: Make sure you can see IIS manager shown below, or you need install IIS again.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 6: Run VS 2013 as Administrator and open you project

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 7: Right Click your project and then choose properties, then choose “Local IIS” and your own project Url. Click “Save” then.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 8: At this time, you can click “Yes”: One issue with converting to IIS is that Visual Studio 2013 uses the LocalDB (a stripped down version of sql server) and IIS does not accept that. It will accept sql express. So you can just click “Yes” to allow VS2013 to change your project string.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 9: If you do not have SQL Server Express installed in your machine, you need go to Microsoft Download Center download it and install it. Note: You may use this link to download it:

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 10: Now it looks like this:

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 11: Now, your have successfully setup the Virtual Directory of your project. Simply type the project Url like “http://localhost/WebApplication1” can lead you to your own Website!

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 12: You can take a look at IIS: clicking “Browse” can be used to test that do you create virtual directory successfully.

Create Virtual Directory Windows 8 - IIS 8.5 13: To test is your database connected, try to click “Register” menu on the right top of your site to register a user, which will be actually stored into your database.

Trouble Shoot 1: Browser error: asdfhasda Solution: Just try to build and run your project in VS2013, then, you can close VS2013 and visit “http://localhost…” url directly.

Trouble Shoot 1: database error (Cannot register a new user): Solution: 1): Do you install SQL Server Express correctly? 2): Check connection string in IIS.