FAPPS 09: Fujiyoshida FAPPS 10: where do we stand FAPPS 11 and future 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2009 2nd edition of a new series Hosted at Fujiyoshida, near Mount Fuji 2 week session November, 5-18 43 PhD or Master students 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2009 Students: China: 10 Korea 9 France 8 Japan 5 Sweden 4 Vietnam 5 Thailand 1 India 1 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2009 Visit of KEK Basic lectures: Hands on sessions Monte Carlo generation Geant 4 Bibliographic work: Based on paper read by 3 student teams Short talk at the end of the school 5 discussion sessions Basic lectures: Electroweak theory QCD Susy Detectors Statistics Heavy Flavours Neutrino physics Seminars KEK-B BESS Super-B J-Parc 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2009 According to the poll done at the end of the session, the students were satisfied with the school, especially with main lectures. Lecturers have been chosen for their pedagogical skill... rather than for their “names”. And it worked. Discussion sessions seemed useful. But the main issue remains the inhomogeneous level of students (M2, PhD, different academic background, etc). 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2009 Japan paid 62 k€ for: Students’ and lecturers’ accommodation supported by Japan Asian lecturers’ travels. 6 Asian students’ travels France (IN2P3 & CEA) paid about 15 k€ for: French organisers’ and lecturers’ travels Vietnamese student’s flight CEA sent 6 k€ to Japanese organisers French Embassy granted 4 k€ Student travels were supported by their own labs (no fees) 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2010 At first sight , it seemed that China could be the natural host for the 2010 session… But… the financial weight appears to be too difficult to be supported by our Chinese colleagues. Korea was candidate under the condition we give room to Grid computing during the school. No more news from Korea, at the moment… We can also change our financial set-up for following sessions 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop
FAPPS 2011 France is a possible candidate to host the 2011 session : A slot has been reserved for us at Les Houches in October 2011 Étienne Augé had discussions at CERN: they want to organise a CERN-Asia School with a first round in 2012 This school will be very different from FAPPS, due to a larger number of students, and a different, maybe less convivial, style... We have certainly to have a clear position with respect to this future CERN school. Do we give up FAPPS’s ? Do we merge with CERN school? Do we keep going on? 16/06/2010 FJPPL 2010 Workshop