Housing & the Consumer 29.1
Landlord: person who owns the place you want to rent Tenant: person who pays the owner of property a certain amount of money in return for the right to live for a period of time in property owned by the landlord.
A. Leases A lease is a contract that creates a landlord tenant relationship. A lease typically sets out the amount of rent, the length of time the property is being rented for, and also the rights and duties of both parties
Ex-Assume that you are looking for a new apartment Ex-Assume that you are looking for a new apartment. You are married and have a tow-year-old child and a small dog. What types of things would you look for when inspecting an apartment? A:
What questions would you ask the landlord?
Depending on your situation, one type of lease may be better than another Month-to-month: good if you're only planning to rent for a short period or your job requires you to move on short notice. You can usually leave after 30 days notice.
Tenancy at will: lease is for an indefinite period Tenancy at will: lease is for an indefinite period. Usually occurs if you remain in your apartment after the lease has expired. Disadvantage is you can leave or be asked to leave at any time. Tenancy for years: lease for a fixed period of time, for example 1 year. This is best if you are planning on renting for a long period of time because landlord can't evict or raise rent.
In PA, leases for more than 3 years must be in writing In PA, leases for more than 3 years must be in writing. Also, make sure any promises made by the landlord are written into the lease. Ex-promises to paint or to fix a broken lock.
One of your most important duties as a tenant is paying the rent. Most leases require payment on the first day of each month If you and the landlord agree to a different arrangement, make sure that it is written into the lease Landlords do have the right to evict tenants who don't pay the rent
Generally, landlords can't raise the rent during the term of a lease Generally, landlords can't raise the rent during the term of a lease. When the term is over, the landlord can raise it as much as he/she wants Some leases include provisions that allow the landlord to make automatic increases during the term of the lease. Be careful of this!!!!
One of your basic rights as a tenant is the right to quiet enjoyment One of your basic rights as a tenant is the right to quiet enjoyment. This means you have the right to use and enjoy the property without being disturbed by the landlord or other tenants. Landlords have a duty to ensure that no tenant unreasonable disturbs the rest of the people in the building Not always clear when this right has been violated so don't move out until you are certain this right has been breached
In most states, another basic tenant right is the warranty of habitability. This means that the landlord promises to provide a place fit for human habitation. Ex-furnace breaks, roof leaks, apartment overrun with rodents
As a tenant, you agree to use the property only for the purpose stated in the lease. Most leases have clauses that permit eviction if the landlord believes that you committed crimes or allowed the commission of crimes on the premises. Tenants aren't responsible for damages that result from normal wear and tear of the property. Ex-worn spots in the carpet. But, you will be liable for damages caused by your misuse. Ex-you let your dog scratch up the place.