Lessons from Tobacco Control: Social Branding for Behavior Change Nancy Erickson, Public Health Communication & Policy Advisor
Vermont Seat Belt Data – No or Improper Use
Seat Belt Use Over Time CIOT=Click It or Ticket campaign
Vermont Seat Belt Use – Field Survey Males and those driving trucks were least likely to be wearing a seat belt.
Are there commonalities? Pickup truck drivers in the most rural part of the Vermont are least likely to wear seat belts. Certain behaviors are driven by personal identity. Segment the general population into groups that behave in similar ways and have similar needs. Identify their unique identities and values to develop interventions that reach them in an authentic way.
Vermont Department of Health A Case Study in Social Branding Youth Tobacco Prevention Program for the High-Risk “Country” Teen Peer Crowd Vermont Department of Health
Common Teen Peer Crowds RURAL TEENS
Teens who identified with the Country peer crowd used tobacco at far higher rates than the general teen population in Vermont, particularly chewing tobacco.
“Down And Dirty” Campaign is Born Social branding program targeting Country teens Experiential marketing at Country events Digital and traditional media targeted to Country teens Interactive Facebook strategies Trained brand ambassadors
Rural Teen Digital Media Youth 13-24 view fewer hours of traditional TV than content from digital sources. Online video watched by 96% of youth at an average of 11 hours weekly Traditional TV viewed by 81% of youth at an average of 8 hours weekly Source: 2015 Acumen Report—Constant Content efy media partnering with Hunter Qualitative Research and child psychologists at KnoWhy Research Vermont Department of Health
Down & Dirty Digital Strategy Use Facebook and D&D website to reach and engage Country teens Targeted online advertising promotes branded smoke-free messages and drives the audience back to D&D’s online channels Social media builds a deeper relationship with the audience, promotes upcoming events, and communicates the brand’s tobacco-free messages in a culturally relevant way Mix of tobacco messaging posts and lifestyle posts
ONLINE ENGAGEMENT Example of Facebook engagement with brand.
Tobacco Use – D&D Vermont VERMONT TOBACCO USE Tobacco Use – D&D Vermont Decrease in usage of all tobacco products since 2014, except e-cigarettes.
The Take Away: Know your Audience! Who they are: ID/research segmented population to learn their unique identities, attitudes and values that lead them toward certain behaviors. Brand authenticity is everything. Where they are: ID the right channels to reach and influence. Leverage digital media.
EXtra: Country Targeted Ad: The Hunt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT3hF8cRG2M Google – down and dirty life – for the series of ads.