HTAP Marketing Campaigns 2017/18 Robert Downes Hinkley Programme Team
70% visitor satisfaction HTAP 35% business confidence Min 10% digital growth 70% visitor satisfaction
Part 1 Marketing Principles
Principles Somerset & Exmoor New UK Customers 3-4hr driving time Digital Savy 3 Target Markets Experiences
Increasing staying visits and expanding the customer base for the future by inspiring new ‘digital savvy’ customers from target markets with experiential products “ ”
Objectives by 2019 1 – Grow the customer base by 3% 2 – Increase digital visits by 15% 3 – Expand social reach by 50% 4 – Inspire 60 PR features
Part 2 Advertising Campaigns
Phase 1 Campaign £85k March to July targeting Family & Active 11 Railway Posters (48 sheet) Social Media advertising (e.g. Facebook canvas) Display advertising (e.g. mail online) Online film (e.g. you tube pre-rolls) Paid search (e.g. google searches)
Part 3 The Concept
Active Markets
Family Markets
R&R Escapes