RIVERTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Yes, we can! September, 2012
CLASSROOM STANDARDS Come ready to learn every day Learn and follow classroom routines Always do your BEST work Respect the space and property of others Be kind and use polite language (thank you, please, excuse me)
Playground Expectations Be safe at all times Be a friend to everyone Use your words to solve a problem Listen and follow directions given by adults Stay in your assigned area Make good choices
Hallway Be Safe! Walk at all times Quiet voices Stay in your line Listen to and follow directions Be Safe!
Breakfast for Learning! This year, everyone will eat breakfast in their classroom beginning at 8:15 a.m. Remain in your seat when eating your breakfast Follow your teacher’s directions for clean-up Keep your area, classroom and school clean!! Help our custodians; they work very hard at our school
Cafeteria Behavior Use enter door Sit at your table Talk quietly to your neighbor (inside voices) Eat your lunch; you need energy for learning Raise your hand and wait to be called on to clear your trash
Cafeteria behavior Return to your seat Line up when called Use exit door
Bathroom Behavior Show RESPECT! Keep our bathrooms clean Walk in and out of the bathrooms Knock on the door of the stall before entering Flush toilet Wash your hands!!!!!!! Throw paper towels in the trash can
Bus Behavior Stay seated at all times Talk quietly to the person next to you Face forward and keep your hands and feet to yourself Listen for adult directions Make good choices to keep you and others safe
Green Tickets Show positive behaviors and follow school rules and earn green tickets! Every Friday, winners are announced Wear your sticker proudly and celebrate positive behaviors
Student Handbook Draw or write a sentence about how you will demonstrate “be safe, be respectful, be responsible and be cooperative behaviors” in each area of our school
Three-way pledge Review the pledge with your teacher and parent You and your parent sign the pledge Return the signed pledge to school A copy of the signed pledge will be given to the office
We are a family… Show others how you care by acting kind and compassionate Be a friend to everyone Make good choices and use positive behaviors
It’s going to be a terrific year! Yes, we can! Let’s work together and try our best! Let’s go, Riverton Raccoons!!!!