Warm Up In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, describe what the factors of production are, and what role they play in producing goods and services. (Consult your class notes or page 561 of the text)
Quote of the Day!!! Who can interpret the meaning of this quote? Why might this person have said this quote? How might you apply this quote to your own life?
Objective- SWBAT understand how working conditions changed during the Industrial Age
Main Idea Industrial growth created jobs, yet factory workers paid a price for economic progress Supporting details *10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week *Could be fired at any time, for any reason *Many lost jobs during business downturns *Immigrants willing to take lower pay drove down wages
People often worked in unsafe and unhealthful conditions People often worked in unsafe and unhealthful conditions. Steelworkers suffered terrible burns, coal miners died in cave-ins Garment workers worked in crowded and dangerous urban factories known as sweatshops.
Video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Efq-aNBkvc What do you notice about the working conditions in these factories?
By 1900, more than 1 million women had joined the industrial workforce By 1900, more than 1 million women had joined the industrial workforce. They earned half of what men did for same work Hundreds of thousands of children under 16 also worked in industry. Many states passed child labor laws that said children had to be at least 12, and should not work more than 10 hrs a day, but employers widely ignored these laws.
Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read a passage titled, “The Growth of Labor Unions” on page 566. What was the purpose of a labor union? Why did employers hire so many women and children to work in their factories? Describe the Knights of Labor
Independent Practice Read the passages “The American Federation of Labor” and The Rights of Women” and answer the following: What is the “gist” of this passage? What are 3 details supporting your “gist” Define collective bargaining
Group Work Consult the chart “Workers Wages and Expenses 1903” Group 1- How much could a metalworker in a factory earn in a month working 10 hours a day for 6 hours a week? Group 2- What could a metalworkers family do to increase its income Group 3- How many hours would a machine woodworker have to work in order to pay rent of $8 in Chicago in 1903. Group 4-What other expenses, besides food and housing, would a typical worker have?
Closure Lets hear responses from each group.
Homework In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, explain why workers formed labor unions.