This shows the user interface and the SQL Select for a situation with two criteria in an AND relationship.
The parenthesis here are not necessary since it is a simple AND relationship.
This shows the simplified code.
Now I am showing two conditions in an OR relationship.
This shows the output. Note that you can tell whether a field is text or numeric by looking at the justification within the column.
Generated SQL.
or the topic is Oracle.
Starting a new query - If I just close, then the SQL option appears as the icon in the left line of icons. See next page.
This shows the SQL icon - when I click on it I get a notepad to develop the SQL on.
I made a mistake here that got caught when I tried to execute - note that there is not a close quote after Oracle.
The missing quote has been added.
Now I have taken out the parenthesis Now I have taken out the parenthesis. Without the parenthesis, the conditions around the AND are grouped and processed together and the single condition after the OR stands alone.
This shows the same example using the user interface.
Notes on material in the text starts with this slide.
This is a string of 1 and 0 - I did not have a particular character in mind.
Files are like tables but they are not collected together within a database structure. They both contain records which contain fields which contain characters etc.