The Mexican Revolution What were reasons for the Mexican Revolution?
I. Challenges of Independence A. 1833: Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna is Mexico’s President B. Americans challenge Santa Anna for Tejas (TX) independence. 1. Santa Anna wins early battles including the Alamo, but ultimately loses in 1836. C. 1845: Santa Anna loses Mexican-American War II. Benito Juarez A. 1847: Liberal Gov’r of Oaxaca Pres. of Mex. in 1861 1. Begins La Reforma conservatives start a civil war (1857) B. 1862: Juarez and reformers win CW, but conservatives convince France to invade Mexico, 1864: Maximillian (Fr.) is Emperor of Mexico C. 1867: Juarez and Gen. Porfirio Diaz able to defeat French invaders
III. The Porfiriato (1876-1911) Period A. #1 Pres. Porfirio Diaz 1. After Juarez’ death, industrializes Mexico by encouraging foreign investment (esp. US) 2. Helps rich & church, little to help poor & Indians 3. Becomes a dictator Exiled Pan O Palo 4. 1910: His opponent for the presidency Francisco Madero is jailed! B. Madero escapes & starts Mexican Revolution. C. 1911: Madero, helped by Emiliano Zapata & Pancho Villa, overthrows Diaz who goes into exile
IV. Mexican Revolution: Madero & Huerta (1911-1915) A. 1911: #2 Francisco Madero becomes President B. Emiliano Zapata wants land reform (take land away from foreigners & wealthy and give it to peasants). 1. Madero rejects idea C. Zapata issues Plan de Ayala (remove Madero/enact land reform) D. Pancho Villa arrested by Gen. Victoriano Huerta, Villa to be executed 1. Madero stops execution, Villa escapes from prison E. 1913: #3 Gen Huerta overthrows Madero, has Madero executed 1. Huerta runs country as a military dictatorship Executed Tierra y Libertad
V. Mexican Revolution: Carranza (1915-1920) A. Villa returns to Mexico to overthrow Huerta B. Villa joins w/ Zapata & Gen. Venustiano Carranza C. Huerta flees into exile – Villa & Carranza both want to be Pres D. 1915: US backs #4 Carranza, 1916: Villa robs & kills Americans in New Mexico E. Carranza allows US to send 5K troops under Gen. “Blackjack” Pershing into Mexico, Villa never caught F. 1917: Civil War Ends New Constitution G. 1919: Zapata is tricked by Carranza supporter & killed Assassinated Assassinated Exiled Pedro Lascurain (45mins), After Huerta, Francisco Carvajal 1 month Gen Pablo Gonzalez men ambush Zapata
VI. Mexican Revolution: Obregon & Calles (1920-1928) A. 1920: #5 Alvaro Obregon wins next election 1. has support of Army & peasants, has fair relations w/ Church 2. Leaves w/o violence, supports Plutarco Calles for Presidency B. 1924: #6 Plutarco Calles 3. Poor relations with Church (Christero War) 4. Doesn’t seek reelection, allowing Obregon to run 1. 1929: founds Mexico’s PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) 2. fights w/ US over oil C. 1928: Obregon wins election but is assassinated by Catholic militant Assassinated Assassinated
Voices From the Past: Pancho Villa Why did young Doreteo Arrango flee his village? What were Villa’s best soldiers called during the Mexican Rev? Why was he known as a Mexican Robin Hood? How could Villa be ruthless? How was Villa eventually killed?