Year 11 in Term 5 – information for students exams start on Tuesday 16th May you will continue to follow your normal timetable until the end of this term (Term 5) when not in an exam when you have an afternoon exam starting at 1.30pm, you will leave Period 4 at 12.40pm to have an early lunch breakfast revision sessions (8am-8.30am) will run for some subjects when the exam is in the morning – your teachers will tell you more about this May half-term Some subjects will offer revision sessions during this week. More information to follow. You will need to sign up for sessions in advance.
Year 11 in Term 6 – information for students Priority 1 = exams Priority 2 = timetabled revision sessions in English, Maths & Science (7 sessions in total which take place before each exam) Priority 3 = any other revision sessions offered by your teachers (they will tell you more about these) Priority 4 = home study Mon 5th June (Week 1) 10am – 10.45am “History” students go to L25, L6, L21 or L4 for an English revision session Periods 3 & 4 all students in an English revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students NOT sitting the Food Technology exam will go home to study at lunchtime Weds 7th June 10.15am – 10.45am “Computing” students go to L27 with Mrs Cooper Periods 3 & 4 all students in a Maths revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students go home to study after P4 except students sitting the full course GCSE RE exam Thurs 8th June 10.20am – 10.45am students in normal lessons after the Maths exam Periods 3 & 4 all students in a Biology revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students go home to study at the end of P4 Fri 9th June Period 2 students in 11Y only go to an English Language revision session (L25, L6, L21 or L4) Period 2 students in 11X and 11Z (not triple scientists) go to PE with kit or study materials Period 3 all students in an English Language revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) Period 4 students in 11X and 11Z stay in the English Language revision session (11Y students go home to study)
Year 11 in Term 6 – information for students Priority 1 = exams Priority 2 = timetabled revision sessions in English, Maths & Science (7 sessions in total which take place before each exam) Priority 3 = any other revision sessions offered by other teachers (your teachers will tell you about these) Priority 4 = home study Mon 12th June (Week 2) All students have an extended break after the English Language exam (ends at 10.30am) Periods 3 & 4 all students go to a Maths revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students go home to study at the end of P4 Tues 13th June 10.20am – 10.45am students to go to normal lessons Periods 3 & 4 all students go to a Chemistry revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students go home to study at end of P4 Thurs 15th June 10.15am Further Maths students go to D18 with Mr Wigmore until break 10.15am Child Development students go to D13 until break Periods 3 & 4 whole year group go to a Physics revision session (rooms displayed on window of G109) All students go home at end of P4 except 2 students sitting the GCSE Polish exam For the remainder of the exam period, all students to come into school for any remaining exams.
Key points for students to remember! when in school, full school uniform must be worn at all times from Term 6 onwards, there will be daily information displayed on the window of G109 to remind you of the revision sessions running that day the teacher with you will register you if you usually collect lunch from the canteen you can still do so before you home to study in Term 6 you should go home to study unless you have an exam or an organised revision session Sixth Form Induction is on Tues 20th June at 11.05am Year 11 Prom is on Thurs 29th June Exam results day is Thurs 24th August from 9.30am in Wingfield Hall
GCSE Exam Results day is Thursday 24th August at 9 GCSE Exam Results day is Thursday 24th August at 9.30am in Wingfield Hall You will need to sign for your results on this day. If you (the student) are unable to collect the results yourself, you may either nominate another person to collect them on your behalf or send a stamped addressed envelope to the examinations office by Wednesday 5th July. Please complete the ' Permission to collect Results' form (available from outside of the exams Office (W6) and return it to the examinations office if you wish to nominate a friend/relative to collect your results or have them sent by post. We regret that we will be unable to release your results to a third party (even a parent/carer) without your signed, written consent, which is kept on file in school in case of any future enquiries. Results will not be posted unless we have received a stamped, addressed envelope and the completed form, signed by you (the student).