PRoBE Missouri State University in partial fulfillment of COU781 Secondary School Counseling Internship Dr. Marci Dowdy
Improving Social Skills and Self-Esteem with 7th Grade Students Rachel Phillips Jarrett Middle School Springfield, MO
The Problem Some students at Jarrett Middle School are perceived by students and staff as “bullied” and “victims” of bullying behaviors. This results in some students becoming isolated and withdrawn during their middle school years, a period of time that is recognized as formative in social skills development. As a result, social skills development and appropriate interaction with peers and adults is lacking in these students.
The Question Can small-group counseling focused on social skills development help students identify appropriate ways to interact with peers and staff while increasing their self- esteem at JMS?
S.I.M.S.: Students 12 7th grade students 8 (4 female, 4 male) students identified by 7th grade counselor and staff as “victims of bullying” and in need of social skills development 4 (2 female, 2 male) Peer Mediators who were selected by the 7th grade counselor to be “models” of appropriate behavior and communication
S.I.M.S.: Intervention 1 brief individual session with each student to identify purpose of group and hand out parent permission letter 6 group sessions lasting 30 minutes
S.I.M.S.: Intervention, cont. Session 1 Introductions Purpose of group Self-Esteem pre-test Establish group norms Discuss what topics would be helpful to cover in group: friendship, conflict resolution, anger management Summary/Closure
S.I.M.S.: Intervention, cont. Session 2 Discuss bullying leaders and followers Summary/closure Session 3 Discuss friendship Stand, Sit, Support Activity Session 4 Discuss how to handle conflict and anger Tips with parents, teachers, siblings, and peers
S.I.M.S.: Intervention, cont. Session 5 Discuss trust Discuss handling conflict at home and school Discuss final group Summary/Closure Session 6 Discuss what students gained/will take away with them from this process so far (group will continue) Self-Esteem post-test
S.I.M.S.: Measurement Measurements coincide with 2 of the 3 strands of Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Academic Development Grades of each group member assessed at three points: pre-group, mid-group (after Session 3) and post-group Number of each letter grade collected Rationale: As appropriate classroom behaviors and communication increase, classroom success (measured by grades) may increase
S.I.M.S.: Measurement, cont. Academic Development, cont. Attendance (%) collected at 3 points: pre-group, mid-group (after Session 3), and post-group Attendance collected was cumulative Rationale: As self-esteem increases, engagement in school (measured by attendance) may increase
S.I.M.S.: Measurement, cont. Personal/Social Development Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (adapted for adolescents) Administered at 2 points beginning of Session 1 beginning of Session 6 (final Session)
Adapted Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Initials: Thank you for joining our group! To help get an idea of what might be helpful to talk about during our lunches, please complete this worksheet. Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. For each question: If you strongly agree with the statement, write SA next to the sentence. If you agree with the statement, write A next to the sentence. If you disagree with the statement, write D next to the sentence. If you strongly disagree with the statement, write SD next to the sentence. On the whole I am satisfied with myself. At times I think that I am no good at all. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. I am able to do things as well as most other people. I feel I do not have much to be proud of. I certainly feel useless at times. I feel that I am a person of worth, at least the equal of others. I wish I could have more respect for myself. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. I take a positive attitude toward myself. Rosenberg, Morris. 1989. Society and the Adolescent Self-Image. Revised edition. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
S.I.M.S.: Setting Group met in the same empty classroom at Jarrett Middle School on Tuesdays during 7th grade lunch (12:04-12:34 p.m.) 12 students were at the first group meeting; one student dropped out after the first meeting due to lack of interest. The 11 remaining members were present for the duration of the group, with 5 members being absent for one session each.
Results: Attendance
Summary Attendance 6 students experienced an increase in attendance 3 students experienced a decrease in attendance 3 students experienced no change in attendance No student had an attendance percentage below 88%
Results: Grades
Summary Grades Across the Group: Total number of ‘A’ grades increased Total number of ‘B’ grades increased (almost doubled) Total number of ‘C’ and ‘D’ grades decreased Total number of ‘F’ grades increased
Results: Self-Esteem *note: 4 students completed only one test (pre or post)
Summary Self-Esteem 5 students reported an increase in their self- esteem 2 students reported a decrease in their self- esteem 1 student reported the same self-esteem score on the pre- and post-test 4 students took only the pre- or post-test Teachers commented to group facilitator that group members became friends outside of the group
Recommendations Continue to monitor group members’ grades and attendance Expand small group counseling to include 6th and 8th grade social skills groups Invite teachers to take a more active role in the selection of future group members Do not meet during lunch 30 min. is not enough time for sessions