Towards a 2010 Transport Action Agenda Department of Transport Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport on Creating a Lasting Legacy for Public Transport from the 2010 FIFA World Cup 16 February 2005
Congratulations to Us!
Africa’s Stage: 2010 DOT Objectives Objective 1 - Support the success of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The eyes of the world will be on South Africa. Transport must run so smoothly as to be invisible Objective 2 - The high profile of the events offers RSA a chance to accelerate the pace of implementation, and catalyse a lasting transport legacy
Objectives in Detail Objective 1 - Support the Success of the World Cup Meet commitments of Bid Book and Guarantee Engage all levels of governments and many sectors Co-ordinate preparations in PT, Freight Logistics, Aviation and Maritime, Enforcement Ensure Special WC Service provision and management
Objective 1 – A Different Ball Game The scale of a FIFA World Cup ™ event overwhelming Well in excess of 150,000 spectators per match, inside stadia and at other viewing venues Matches timed to suit international media rights, not SA congestion peaks Thousands expected at training events and friendlies Overall duration of 6-8 weeks, rather than 4-5 days Transport business-as-usual will be inadequate to address travel demand from ticket holders and accompanying visitors Mobility in the form of quality urban Public Transport that can enable South Africa to extract the maximum economic benefits from the event.
Objective 2: A lasting legacy Objective 2 – Extract a Lasting Legacy in Public Transport and Transportation Management
The DRAFT 2010 Transport Action Agenda Articulate a Vision around Public Transport Activate, Direct, Focus, promote investment and accelerated effort around key projects that meet World Cup and long term Public Transport needs
2010 is But One Milestone in Transforming the Sector Decisions about 2010 come within the context of long term choices and processes Taxi recap and subsidisation Re-investment in rail Devolution to local authorities Establishment of Transport Authorities
How to Extract a Legacy? If Transport does not lead, events managers simply cover the gaps Bid Book promises almost nothing in terms of PT/NMT Learning from international experience Sydney is the transport gold standard Athens almost lost the 2004 Olympics due to transport disarray
The DOT Vision – a Lasting Legacy Beyond 2010 Accelerated Implementation of the first phases of a real public transport system Quality, appropriate, affordable, integrated public transport services and infrastructure Safety in services and facilities Strong priority in practice for public transport over private car use Integrating environmental management into transport infrastructure and service choices Use of Transport Demand Management measures for both special events and transportation management
Creating the Legacy – DOT’s role Defining a vision of quality, appropriate and sustainable public transport management Articulating the return on investment in the public transport sector Championing the acceleration of projects that meet the legacy description Acting as a conduit of information between many parties engaged in World Cup planning and preparation
Towards a 2010 Transport Action Agenda Process of consultation with Provinces, Cities and Key Public and Private Entities Open Meetings Interviews Formulation of a vision and framework Clarity on legal obligations made to FIFA Review and analysis of existing plans in light of the above Draft 2010 Transport Action Agenda document that: Articulates the Vision, Explains fundamental principles, Lays out DOT priorities, ***Suggests key projects for accelerated implementation, Creates timeframe, and Details specific DOT actions
Creating the Legacy – DOT’s role Defining a vision of quality, appropriate and sustainable public transport management Articulating the return on investment in the public transport sector Championing the acceleration of projects that meet the legacy description Acting as a conduit of information between many parties engaged in World Cup planning and preparation
Principles of the Approach Accelerated Implementation of mostly EXISTING plans in terms of the following: Urban Public Transport Infrastructure, Vehicles, Services and Management, and Non-Motorised Transportation Infrastructure and Amenities; Travel Demand Management Measures (including use of cost effective ITS measures); Airport – City Public Transport Links; And to define Specialised 2010 World Cup services for both the FIFA community and event spectators. Fundamental Assumptions: Maximised use of existing infrastructure; Maximised engagement of appropriate private sector and innovative finance; Integration, improvement and expansion of existing services; Professionalisation and integration of the minibus taxi para transit sector; Committed implementation of national black economic empowerment and sustainable development policies; and Attaining specific, FIFA World Cup objectives with specific, best practice temporary measures and management practices that will also serve other, future special events
Process and Timeframe Notice to Minister and Cabinet at end Jan 05 Lekgotla Sending a signal that DOT is readying plans to do something substantial Document to be used to accelerate integration of plans within cities and between cities and transport public entities (ACSA, SANRAL, SARCC, others) Cities and Public Entities to identify assistance required from DOT Detailed Planning – Feb 05 – Jul 05 – Development of WC Priority Statements Detailed plans with realistic cost estimates (and potential revenue sources) for inclusion into next MTEF, donor co-ordination and other finance plans (PPP) GEF grant to conduct pre-feasibility research for $11 M grant to change spectator access to stadia Implementation – Aug 05 – Dec 09 DOT will work with National Treasury to clarify finance opportunities, champion projects and their finance, remove barriers to implementation, monitor and report on progress World Cup Operational Plans by end 2008 Integrated, detailed plans for how localised surface transport will be managed for the period before, during and just following the World Cup preparation and matches. Fundamental to the plans will be agreement between safety and security officials and transport officials and operators, as well as emergency services
DOT Commitments in Action Agenda Technical Support Co-ordination and Marketing Champion Accelerated Implementation/Broaden Investment Pool Facilitate Implementation-Focused Learning / Investigate Stadia Access Opportunities Monitor Progress and Assist in the Removal of Barriers
The Way Forward 2010 Priority Statements – July 2005 Detailed, Costed proposals for acceleration of key projects in terms of PT, TDM, NMT, Airport-City PT links, and special services Allocating R 3 Billion proposed for World Cup Public Transport Legacy projects over the next 3 years World Cup Period Operational Plans – Dec 08 Management plans covering all aspects of transportation services for the period leading up to, during, and immediately after the 2010 FIFA World Cup event Ongoing Communication with South Africans through Parliament and many other avenues