Information from your counselors
WHO ARE YOUR COUNSELORS? Traci Johnston A-F Amy Brown G-L Jean Busey AVID & M-Q Amy Iwert R-Z Chad Hoffman Freshman
Communication General Website ParentVUE/StudentVUE Twitter- @OSCounseling Announcements – Posted on Website OS Newsletter City Watch Teacher Know e-mail address, website/moodle/edmodo site TALK to your teacher first Office Counselors/Registrar/Data Operator School Social Workers, School Psychologist Administrators
What does it take to graduate? Meet Olathe School District Graduation requirements Must get a passing grade to get credit D or higher is considered a passing grade Required classes: 4 credits of English 1 credit of Foreign Language/Applied Communication 1 credit of Fine Art—visual or performing 3 credits of Social Science World History (freshman) .5 Social Science Elective (sophomore) U. S. History (junior) Government (.5 senior)
3 credits of Math 3 credits of Science—one Life Science, one Physical Science 1 credit of Technology 1 credit of Practical and Consumer Studies 1 credit of Health & Wellness 6 Individual Focus Credits 24 TOTAL credits are required to graduate Opportunity to earn 28 (7 credits year/4 years)
WHAT IS GPA? Grade Point Average Represents average of grades earned Used to determine class rank Have 6 semesters to build your GPA A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = no points Once an F is earned, it becomes a permanent part of your transcript. calculator/
Are you college bound? 4 years of English 4 years of Math 3 years of Social Science 4 years of Science (one must be Chemistry or Physics) 2 years of the same International Language
ACT and/or SAT Advise students to take Junior year Plan to take 2-4 times to maximize results Must register and pay online with Tests are given on Saturday BEST preparation is doing well in rigorous classes Test prep is available (see counseling website) October testing day is an opportunity for practice ACT Practice PSAT is practice for SAT
Kansas Board of regents Colleges Emporia State University Pittsburg State University Fort Hays State University Kansas State University Wichita State University University of Kansas
Kansas Board of Regents College Admission Standards For automatic admissions students must take Qualified Admissions curriculum with a 2.0 GPA or higher 3 years of math with math ACT subscore of 22 OR 4 years of math Must have chemistry or physics AND get a 21 or higher on ACT or 980 SAT or be in top 1/3 of class AND get 2.0 on any college credit in high school
KU Admission requirements Complete Qualified Admissions curriculum with 2.0 GPA AND Graduate from high school w/ 3.0 cumulative GPA and ACT of 24+ Or 3.25 cumulative GPA and ACT of 21+
NCAA Register w/ the clearing house during sophomore year 16 Core Credits (foreign language counts as core) 10 must be completed prior to senior year ACT/SAT Required Grade Point Average Refer to Program Planning Guide or NCAA or NAIA web sites. Information is also on the Counseling Website PLEASE CONTACT YOUR COUNSELOR IF YOU PLAN ON PARTICPATING IN COLLEGE ATHLETICS
OATC Located by Olathe North 2 year program- Junior & Senior year Tour – October Apply- November/December Must be on track to graduate with little to no need for credit recovery NOT a transfer program- Students attend South partial day and OATC for the other part of their day Transportation provide to and from South
Auto Technology
Auto Collision
Construction trades
Other Career Programs Olathe North Culinary Arts Program
Other Career Programs Olathe North Health Careers/CNA Program Seniors only for 1 semester (2 hours of your day) Previous or concurrent enrollment in Anatomy & Physiology is required ACT Score of 19+ AP/Honors Science