Process for reviewing Masters and UG student ethics applications 1. Student accesses most up to date forms and guidance from earch-ethics- committee/pages/ioe 2. Student submits their completed/revised student ethics application form to their supervisor. 3. Student’s application form is reviewed by their supervisor and one other member of the course team. 4. Application approved by both reviewers? YES 5. The supervisor will notify the student and record any comments/decisions on the form. NO If the reviewers and the student cannot come to an agreement on the revisions needed, the reviewers should state the issues raised on the student’s application form, and then pass the details to the IOE Research Ethics Committee for consideration. The supervisor will discuss any issues with the student and return the form to the student for revision. The IOE Research Ethics Committee can be contacted for guidance by either of the reviewers or the student at any point 6. Student submits a copy of the completed approved application to their course administrator. All students should familiarise themselves with the GDPR guidelines if using personal data in their research. Further information and guidance are available on the IOE REC website Students should also refer to the consent form and information sheet templates when seeking participant consent, also available on the website. Please note: For students enrolled on ITE programmes, an ethics application form will only be required if the student plans to collect data that goes beyond that which would occur as part of their professional practice. This should be discussed with the supervisor before any research begins.